I’ll be at a conference all weekend in Broomfield, but plan to drive in to see the Friday and Saturday evening sets, and most of Sunday. I have a room for the conference, but hope to camp Sunday night only. Can this be done? Can I just drive into Olson mid-day Sunday and pitch a tent, or is all camping charged for full weekend or no go?
Okay, I know it sounds lame, but in the past I’ve camped all weekend and experienced the full fest. This year I’m obligated to present at a conference during the fest (mid-day Saturday and Sunday) and my sense of professional responsibility…well…give me credit for making sure that since I’m half an hour from the fest I’m making sure I soak in some of it. So, Friday and Saturday I’ll be solo and have to drive back to the conference after the shows, so I would like to have Sunday to have some beer and not have to worry about going anywhere. What’s the camping situation. Can I do one night?