Camping if I'm only attending two days

Hey all, first timer here. My brother and I got tickets to the first two days of the festival and were planning on hiking in the San Juans the rest of the trip. I’ve looked around at some of the more popular campsites and they all say that you’re required to have a four day pass (or four single day passes). Is there any good camping for those of us who aren’t attending the whole thing?


Lawson Hill is the only official campground that you can camp in without tickets to all four days. So it’s either that or an FS campground.

Any recommendations for FS campgrounds?

Alta Lakes.

There will be other people there who are going to the fest, but it rarely gets overcrowded. If you have a choice between a Jeep and a low rider for the trip in to Alta Lakes, maybe leave the low rider at home, though most passenger cars will be fine.