Camp Run a Muck roll call 2016


Hello Folks. We hope you’ve weathered the winter season in fine style. Camp Run a Muck is gearing up for another great year of music and mirth in Town Park. We’re making some upgrades to the kitchen and planning another great music series on the solar powered stage. Those that are interested in recordings from last year’s shows need only send me a request for the link to the MP3s.

It’s time to get a nose count of folks plans for TBF 43. It will also be Hooch’s 10th festival with Run a Muck ( surely shennanigans will ensue). Are you planning on camping with us this year? Are you planning on being a part of RaM and not camping? Let me know here or by PM. If you haven’t been part of our pre fest planning process before, I’ll need your email address and cell phone number!

See you all in June!


I’ll be there, but that was never a question. This is going to be my 9th TBF and my 6th with Run a Muck. If all goes well, I’ll be bringing my sibling/roommate Matt with me.

Woohoo!! Can’t wait to see all your lovely faces. Nick and I will (obvs) be there. Cannot wait! Now of it would just stop snowing, it’d feel more like the 6-week out mark.

Happy Muk-iversarry Hooch! :cheers :flower

I’ve still got six weeks to pack. :cheers

Hi. I’m Hooch and I’ll be your personal bartender when visiting camp Run-A-Muck. In the evenings will will offer some fine live music and world-class Twister tournaments. Come on by for some laughs, a shot or two or three, and maybe some light treason.

Not to mention the heinous muckery :eek


Careful, Hippie. You’re one letter away from breaking a rule.

That seems to be the way we roll …

:wave Can’t believe it’s getting so close! This will be my 40th TBF and my 10th also with Run a Muck! Hooch I didn’t realize that we joined them the same year! WOW!

Damn, Annette and I will not be able to attend. We lost Annette’s Mom late last year and we will be attending a memorial service for her the weekend of Fest. This would have been the 10th anniversary of my first RaM camping experience, though I have not attending all of the years in between. We will try for next year!

Will definitely visit with either son or daughter in tow! What kind of refreshments should one bring?

I’d recommend something that would potentially lead to poor life decisions!! Also, I like anything grape.

That can be arranged. Maybe some spo dee o dee? That has grape.

That would work mighty fine :thumbsup
I’m looking forward to kicking out the first drunk, which with any luck will be me!

Did I see wagon on that Camp List Jerry? I think I’m a Run A Mucker. :lol At heart anyway. :flower

Kamp DukTape is checking in under the provision of “being a part of RaM and not camping (with RaM)”…

Really looking forward to another week in the woods with all y’all!

Camp Maple Alley is also checking in under the “part of RaM but not camping with RaM”
Are the sourdough waffles done yet? I’ll bring the maple syrup.

Well I am claiming to be “part of Duktape but not condoning their unconventional use of Duktape”.

I plan to hang around Run-a-Muck A LOT. :cheers

I am be camping elsewhere.

I’ll pitch in where needed and would like to cook breakfast one morning. :hop

:wave Punchy ! :wave

Of course we’ll put you to work :cheers

This is quite a motley crew we seem to be putting together.
