Bring Back Pastor Mustard

I just finished listening to the “Bluegrass with Mustard” show on Kajx. I hope to opine that IMHO the pastor makes a much better MC than DJ. It also makes me realize that an MC - like a DJ should allow the music to speak for itself. I am once again finding myself strictly in the Hold the Mustard camp, his radio show would also be great if his attention span was longer than one song.

Bluegrass with Mustard - Dan Sadowsky
Sunday 10am-12pm Mountain

:cheers :cheers :cheers

My quoted email to Telluride Tom came down as a result of a private discussion we had.
Recently when folks contacted me about why did I leave the TBF, I sent them the following note.
I think you’ll understand why I think that, in fairness, you should have this post . . .

This business about Pastor Mustard leaving the festival has allowed me to explore the Buddhist meaning of letting go, even of the habit of what one IDs with.
I’m not seeking my old spot behind the TBF mic. It was a fun 32 years–27 as MC.
I think the festival directors had many reasons to desire, hope for, look for MC change. They were not very clear to me about it. They had me guessing, for sure. If you ever witnessed corporate regime change, the scenario is nauseatingly familiar.
I tendered my resignation because I perceived an unwholesome corporate culture within Planet Bluegrass toward Pastor Mustard. It was very difficult for me to process even though I’d been smelling the coffee for awhile. Eventually I stopped struggling and started breathing.
I slowly learned that Planet Bluegrass had synthesized a new and thrifty policy about announcements. They should be democratic and loveably amateurish with an occasional celebrity drop-in. There was, I guess, Planet-wide consensus that ANY full-time MC/personality grates on the audience. (As audience members, feel free to discuss that concept among yourselves.)
The Planet had a ready sound-bite response to inevitable stop’n’chat queries about Pastor’s departure. That’s understandable, but an unsavory spin shows up about here.
The spin, heard by my children at the 35th and published on, is patently untrue. At best it’s revisionist.
Here’s the quote from the festivarian forum, “He wanted a contract and more money. Craig said that nobody gets a contract, and the Pastor quit.”
Hearing this, the intelligent festivarian’s spider-sense should tingle. The party line is just too simplistic to be toed verbatim.
So when you get the skinny on (what should have been) our private contract business, understand that compensation talks came about during an attempt at rapprochement–AFTER I resigned. Lucre was not the lynchpin on which the situation swiveled, contrary to blogs, gossip, and what was posted here.
That said, consider the long view . . .
More acts are now staged at TBF in one day than over the whole weekend, back in the day. Much, much more goes on now. Sponsors, Greentown, shake ‘n’ howdies, tweeners, raffles, workshops, parades, etc.
It was a big, interesting, team-supported job I enjoyed very much–to the point of annual exhaustion. But I’m older now and more physically needy. In the end, yes, I probably priced myself into extinction. I actually valued my talent and expertise right when PB was forming their newly downgraded world-view about career MCs, and probably Pastor Mustard specifically. Coincidence?
My get-back-in-bed ideas were not accepted in the spirit offered, that is, as the start of further negotiations. (Ironically, the multi-year contract model was suggested to me by a long-time TBF investor.) So my resignation stood.

Until 2007 I enjoyed a warm professional relationship with the festival. That right there is a very good memory for me.
My sincere hope is that my leaving darkens no one’s door.
I’m fine, you’re fine. Be fine.

Pastor Mustard

I’ve heard the rumors over the years of why you might have departed and in the end I’m just sorry to see you go. You were the only voice of the festival I’d ever know for more than a decade plus and now that it’s gone, it is missed. You and our beloved friend Buck (MC at Rockygrass) will forever be a part of my fondest memories of these fine festivals.

Good luck to you in all you do, and we hope for your return in some manor someday, MC, Patron or Performer.

Thank you for all the good memories Pastor!


Pastor, you took a tough job and did it with passion, individuality, and great humour! I’ve experienced so many festival MCs that worsened my experience, and it was very refreshing to come to Telluride and hear you. I often had the sense that your brand of humour was not appreciated by the audience to the extent that it would have been at a festival in my native Canada, where satire seems to be rather more deeply ingrained in the culture. You should come and work up here. They probably won’t pay you what you’re worth, but I guarantee you the people will dig your schtick!
All the best to you, and thanks for the good times!

"my children at the 35th "


Those two youngin’s have turned into fine Festivarians. It was a joy to have them around Camp Run-A-Muck for the 35th. Sorry you weren’t able to join us at Festival.

All the Best!
Auntie Hope :pickin :green

“The probably won’t pay you what your worth”

HA! They’ll pay you in Loonies!

Ask for a case of Brador, some Sortilege, and large quantity of bacon and call it good!


You should come too Erndog - you might find it educational. :evil

I’d chip in with the bacon! I loved the Pastor!

Hey there folks, while there’s a lot of chatter about the Pastor, what’s most important is he’s creating music with his New National String Band and will be in Sedona for our Festival May 8, 2011 joined by headliner Claire Lynch and Band, along with TBF contest winners the Burnett Family Bluegrass and Crystal Ridge Bands. Come to Sedona for its red rocks, and stay for the arts. Peace out.

Peace Out… let’s not start this debate again. We all love the Pastor, but it’s pastor history and needs to be put out to pastor.

:lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

“gay midgets in rickshaws and Rocky the Leprechaun’s clogging boards” - - forget the Pastor, THIS is something we need to see again at Telluride . . . !!!

Are you Good?

Rocky Is!

I might be a “small member”, but I ain’t no midget . . .

" I wanna ride the pony" …Pastor Mustard

My group has been wondering about Pastor Mustard for years now. We thought he died.

He’s alive - and he’s not MC’ing the Festival? My first year (16 years ago) I thought he was the most annoying thing I ever heard. But he grew on me, and now its just plain weird without him.

Not that I won’t have a fabulous time anyway. Just adding my two cents.

:cheers HEEN! :flower