Bring a Bicycle to Telluride


As many of you folks already know, it is a great idea to pack the bicycles on a telluride trip. The town is small as rider friendly and also has the free gondola up the mountain, so there is fun for the whole family. I was amazed at how many bikes were in Telluride for the festival last year. Some friends and I began Bluegrass By Bike last year and rode our bikes from boulder to Telluride in an effort to show off some green energy. We are riding again this year and some new riders have already shown some interest in joining us. if any of you want to know more about our route and stops along the way, let us know. We would love to get more riders, weather for a portion of the ride, or more.

Another idea we have been working on is a pre-festival-festivarian bike parade beginning in Town Park and riding the path through town. This will be a great time for all ages to ride together strictly for a fun way to enjoy the mountains, meet some nice people, and celebrate the bicycle! I think if would be amazing to see over 100 bikers joining us for this fun cruise. Sometime early wed. afternoon seems like the ideal time for this, what do you all think? We would love to get feedback and input on this, so please comment. Thanks and see you at the fest.


Go green!

I love any reason for a parade.