Supposedly the best Bloody Mary in the world is at Pitliks Sand Beach Resort outside Eagle River WI. They serve it with shrimp, asparagus, pickle, artichoke heart, baby corn, and a pickled turkey gizzard if you choose. If you ever get that far North I suggest stopping in there fun place. 2 more days till we leave!
There’s hundreds of “Best Bloody Mary” bars in Wisco… Most are presented with brunch on a stick.
A favorite is at the confluence of the Mighty M’sspi & the St Croix rivers, In Prescott, WI. The No Name Saloon/Famous Monkey Bar (bikes, boats, & trains)
As a side note/inquiry, can anyone advise me how to avoid inadvertently setting up camp by where a porta potty will be placed? So many thanks!! :flower :cheers
Sugar is right. Also, take heed everyone, if anyone says to you “hey man, you probably don’t want to put your tent right there” then there’s probably a darn good reason. They aren’t being jerks, they are trying to save you from poor life decisions.
Thanks Hooch, I’m always open to help when it comes to making better life choices . Don’t want to tread on someone’s spot and don’t want to sleep by the shitter!
:wave Hey Paul, Camp HulaGanz will bring in 2 Tomato Juices, 2 Lime Juices, 2 jars of olives, 1 dilly beans. I’ll connect this weekend (perhaps at the boil) about other provisions needed for Monday Bloody Monday. BTW, Debbie suggested we all THANK YOU for taking this over. Be well! :cheers
Hey Passport,
Sadly we won’t be there by 3pm… I am super interested in this Goddess walk though… My anticipation is growing with every minute. I just cannot imagine the fun we are going to have!! Is there any way to know what all is going on, on the prefestie days? I don’t want to miss anything!!!
Well my source for fresh horseradish last year (sprouts) no longer is stocking it.
And I’ve been to three other places and no luck. I’m hitting the road in a few hours and will look when we stop in Albuquerque and Durango…but if someone has a line on fresh root, you might wanna grab some extra!