
Hello friends, I am frantically searching for the best way to ride to the festival this summer. I would love to start off in early June from the Ft. collins area and make my way slowly. Is anyone else thinking the same thing? I’ve seen other posts about it just not from this year. Bike Team Assemble!! :hop


Use the search option above to search 'Bicycle". You’ll get all sorts of info.


I have done some bike touring to Telluride the past two years, and this year have a loop planned from telluride through ridgeway, ouray, silverton, durango, delores, and back to telluride for the fest. Last year I did Crested Butte to Telluride and back and the year before we did our biggest trip from Boulder to Telluride and back in a big 900 mile loop. It was all fantastic, maybe you have seen some of the Bluegrass By Bike stuff, that was us…

So, feel free to email me at and ask some specific questions. If you want I could do a google map of how we biked the long trip, we had a great route both ways I would say. I can give you my phone number too if you want to talk to a voice.

take care and get stoked!
