Be safe you beautiful people...

Our family had quite a scare last night when on his way to Town Park from Oregon Pete blew a tire and rolled our synchro a bunch of times, ripping off the top of the van and strewing gear (and tickets) across the highway. Amazingly enough, and of course most importantly, Pete walked away with just a small scratch but it did put our festival plans in question. We’re feeling so very blessed and extremely grateful to the folks who’ve already offered help in the way of gear, tickets and love that will allow us to celebrate our 15th year festivating with you all in a couple days. Thank you so much. And I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but this is a pretty special little community we have here. I’m so happy to be part of it.

May your journeys be safe ones folks.

Heya Hon just got word from Rhonny
Ive already called Tom
advised him Peter was fine
and still planning on going
Please be safe
Much Love

Sweet Sister Kym -

Pete has my number. I stand ready for further coordination!! I am at your service…

xoxo Rhonny

P.S. Listening to your outgoing message is like listening to my own outgoing message… it was kind of freaky! tee-hee!

So sorry to hear about the van roll. I rolled my VW Eurovan Camper on the way to Bluegrass in 2006 (I was way, way overloaded), and fortunately I walked away with just a sore shoulder. The van got rebuilt - it’s now better, stronger, faster - and it’s new nick name is “The Six Million Dollar Van” since that’s almost what it took to get it rolling again. But with the help of many people, I was still able to be at Telluride, just a few hours behind schedule.

Let me know if there’s anything I/we can help you with in terms of getting you there and making your Telluride experience complete.

Travel safely, everyone