Be a Part of the 2012 TBF Printed Program

I’ve got one thing left to say; I’m true blue for Telluride! :thumbsup

Roses are Red
My grass is blue
I’m going to Telluride
How about you?


You have the most beautiful feet in Bluegrass! :pirate And that bothers me.

A dog named Blue seeks small town,
laid-back lifestyle, no leash required,
summer festivals preferred…


(This works even better if you know the controversy surrounding Blue the dog from Elephant Butte, NM.)

Sacre Bleu !
Literally Holly Blue, meaning good heavens, I’m can’t believe TBF is only 3 weeeks away!

something old, something new, something borrowed, something bluegrass! Happy Anniversary B&P!!

Johnny Cash playing “Folsom Prison Blues” - Telluride Bluegrass 1997

An unforgettable show!

Camp breakfast = bacon and blueberry pancakes = A great way to kick off a TBF day!
I’m blue daba de daba di, I-yi love Telluride! (daba de daba di)
Oh blue camp chair, you’re a great seat. But a front row tarp can’t be beat!

I’ll be oh so blue if I can’t get to you,
I’ll try my best, to get to the Fest.
Life is a gamble, in Town Park I ramble,
For just a few nights, it gives a year of delight.

So much has changed since I was last there,
but the smiles and the love are filling the air.
The music and laughter and all of the hugs,
the angels in heaven sing from above.

The trees sway in the breeze against a Telluride sky,
such a deep blue you can hardly believe your eyes.
So many memories, so many friends,
Festival time is time without end.

Wow Cindy Lou that was beautiful!

I’ll second that! :flower :medal

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

:thumbsup :thumbsup Ditto for thirds! :medal :medal :medal

sniff love Cindy Lou, you cannot miss this year.

Telluride I am Blue by You. :thumbsup

All praise due to The Most High.

and quadruple ditto. :thumbsup

Blue for the Sky, blue for the Sea
Blue for the sin in you and me.
Blue for selfishness, blue for entitlement.
Blue for mistakes held in people’s judgment.

Blue for the Karmic Laws
Blue for Mondays and Slavery
Blue for complaints and ignorance
Blue for Water and Thankfulness

Blue for my home, true Blue.
Blue for the water rushing over you
Blue for altruism cleaning Blue
Blue for this Earth, Blue.

Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue
Blue for Ikea tarp bags
Blue for a Blue Festival
Blue for GOD

A Blue Moon started me on my path
To the Fest that seems to last and last
So off I went with bluegrass in my heart
then sat and listened on my blue tarp!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

My cheeks turning blue while holding my place in the tarp line. :eek

Forever folkin’ around, I like my grass true and blue.