Banjo compitition question

Any one know who made it through the preliminaries today? Im rooting for a bandmate lol.

Wahooo! Tyler made it to the finals :thumbsup. He’s bein’ backed up by our mando player Jeff on the main stage today! These boys can PICK! I love playin’ in a band with them.

If ya see him, please give em’ some love! :cheers

The banjo finals are being broadcast right now…are you listening? this first guy is great :wave

Yup got it recorded for him too :slight_smile: 1st guy was smokin’ for sure. Tyler was “Banjo finalist #3” hehe. I thought he sounded great, im super stoked for him. :thumbsup :thumbsup, he played 2 very tough tunes. "“dougs tune” and “el cubanchero” ( im sure thats spelled wrong lol). Our mando player backed him up on guitar…I didnt know he could do that lol :lol I love playing with these super talented cats!!

Thanks so much for the heads up on the stream Ron!!!

they said a guy from phoenix but havnt announced which # won…this is killin’ me lol

They jut said the banjo contest was won by a guy from Phoenix…is that your friend?? :flower

I dunno for sure but im thinking it is!!! :slight_smile: Called him but his phone is off. what are the odds of 2 finalists from phx???

WHOO HOOO!!! WAY TO GO TYLER!!! :cheers :cheers :cheers :thumbsup :thumbsup :medal

I just sent a text message to Hooch to see if he knows.

When are you guys coming up to Phoenix to play music with me??? It’s cool and nice up here! :wave

I mean when are you coming to FLAGSTAFF…sheesh. My fingers can’t talk. :lol :lol

Thanks for texting Hooch!

Im aiming for next Wednesday for Yonder and Keller. :slight_smile: You goin?

I really hope to book some shows up there really soon too.

We still need to trade those tunes ya know. :flower

Its official, Tyler Walls is the proud new owner of a brand new Deering John Hartford model banjo! I love that i got to hear it. Im proud of the kid, 20 years old and pickin’ his heart out on the big stage :slight_smile:

I just found out YMSB is gonna be in Santa Fe
tomarrow night
good times

Awesome! Congratulations Tyler! And that we got to hear the Arizona boy win is super-cool! :medal :medal :medal :thumbsup


:clap :band :clap :pickin :clap :band :clap

Sweet!! I can’t wait for Pickin in the Pines… Tyler’s (and Nathan aka Cletus) band Headline Bluegrass will be competing in the band contest…

~~ GOOD LUCK on makin it to the main stage, boys!!! ~~

Congratulations Tyler!!! :medal

Speaking of John Hartford, I just learned last night that his banjo is for sale here in Nashville. $7,500. and it’s yours! If anyone is interested send me a PM and I’ll tell ya where to find it.

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

:banjo <— where’s the stinkin’ banjo emoticon? We’re sellin Bluegrass here, aren’t we???

congrats tyler, i’m sure glad you won cait wait to hear the new banjo, annd do some pickin’

:frowning: I thought I already had too many… damn the temptation of the 5-string

U do have too many Bro

Adam… One can NEVER have too many Banjos. Remember that, please.

Auntie Hope :pickin :green