AT&T coverage?

Does anyone know if my iPhone will get coverage (AT&T) at Telluride? I’m camping at the High School.

I have an iPhone and you’ll have service. No problem.

:wave But do you REALLY want to turn the damn thing on? I like to turn the damn thing off and leave it the bottom of my backpack until Monday.


Thanks much!

I hereby promise to turn my phone off for most of the festival, but must be able to check in with clients, or find lost friends now and then. Plus, how great to post updates to Facebook once a day to make my non-festival going friends jealous!

Exactly… I plan to post pictures somewhat regularly while I’m out there to make everyone else stuck at work truly realize that they are stuck at work

Same here, guys… not really to make 'em jealous, but to show how beautiful everything is & encourage them to come out with me someday!!! :wink:

I’m on AT&T, and I’ve never had a problem with coverage. Of course, hearing the phone ring or hearing the person on the other end can be a challenge! :pickin

ok, so where do you charge your phone if you have one in town park??

My car has a cool “always on” outlet. I plan on leaving the phone in the car for an hour when it dies.

ok, so where do you charge your phone if you have one in town park??

Some camps have nifty solar charging stations for just such a purpose. :thumbsup

There’s always a cluster of phones-n-stuff charging at the main bath house.

:vibes :vibes :vibes

I usually pack a 1-to-2 adapter so I can jump-in without pulling anyone’s plug.

If you visit a cafe, restaurant, bar, or store in town, you could ask if they mind you plugging in while you’re eating, drinking or shopping.

Make you way to Camp Run a Muck, we almost always have an open AC or Cig lighter socket for charging. Plus it’s all solar powered :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
