… I’m tossing around the idea of maybe entering the lottery for TP … I’ve seen the close quarters there over the years… tents butted up to tents, the only ‘open’ areas seeming to be the space under sunshades or canopies. I have a pop-up camper and a sunshade (14’ x 14’). In past years, I’ve either camped at Ouray (first 2 years) or stayed in Mtn Village (condo). Would the real-estate being occupied by the camper and sunshade border on an Unfestivarianistic presence? I don’t want to be the bane of anyone’s experience there. Just thought I’d ask. If its deemed inappropriate, I more than understand, and there’d be no ill will whatsoever. Just thought I’d throw the notion out there.
To be honest, I/we’d just like to be able to jam with some of the great TP folks … but … can’t get in without a TP wristband. If paying for the pass, itd be only right to camp there. Maybe something can be worked out with the awesome Planet Bluegrass folks to allow something like that to be accommodate … a non-TP resident access pass or something … can’t reside there, but can get in for jam sessions, etc. Kinda like a TP guest.
I hope you got your answer in time for your lottery entry…
It is not a parking pass that you need, it is a vehicle pass.
Vehicle passes are needed for vehicles to be inside of town park and then in just a certain area since a good porton of Town Park is tent camping only. Vehicles that are not necessary for camping can park free in designated areas but you can bring it in to unload and to unhook your pop up or camping trailer. RVs require a vehicle pass too. Look at the Planet Bluegrass website for the specifics on all of that.
and … hey everyon, please remember that there are older and disabled festivarians who truly need their vehicles. Please don’t waste one just to have your car that nearby. Cars are easily accessible if you think you need to go somewhere by car… which i pretty doubtful once the festival starts.
Put in for the lottery and the vehicle pass (for the pop-up) and if you don’t get the vehicle pass you will have no problem selling the TP Camping Passes.
We’d love to have you camping and pickin’ for TBF 2010. Word is that several of the “Tride and True” are making other plans for next year. Well miss them but look forward to meeting any and all “new blood”!