Anyone know how the transfer of tix works?

Hi, we had to transfer/sell our 2 camping/music tix due to medical issues. We filled out the online transfer form today and just wondering if anyone knows how it works/how long it takes? The new recipient and I are awaiting email notifications of the state of the progress….

Hey there! Once the form is submitted, both the buyer and seller can assume the transaction will be processed by the date tickets are ready for pickup at will-call. However, if you’d like to confirm, you may reach out to SeeTickets directly at

Update for 2025, this process may be different. Please review this post for additional information: 2025 Ticket Transfer Process Information

Ok thanks. Wondering when new recipient of tix is charged and how refund works. I will contact them, thanks.

SeeTickets does not handle the transfer of funds so you’ll need to work with the purchasing party to coordinate that. Edit: as Geoff indicated below, you can call The Planet to help facilitate the exchange of funds if you’d like.

Best practices:

  1. Set expectations - buyer and seller should be on the same page about the below before proceeding
  2. Fill out form - form copy will be e-mailed to seller who will forward to buyer as proof of transfer
  3. Verify - buyer may want to verify confirmation of transfer by e-mailing seetickets
  4. Fund Transfer - buyer and seller arrange funds transfer via agreed upon method (Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, etc)
  5. Ticket Receipt - buyer picks up tickets from will call

Happy to answer any other questions!!

Hi thanks for the info. I am buying a pair of tix and have communicated with the seller that I would like to use the seetickets transfer site. Would the buyer (me) typically send the Venmo/zelle before or after seller fills out the transfer information? How would they have confidence that I would pay if he/she filled out 1st and how would I have confidence if I were to send $ 1st? Does someone just have to take a leap of faith?

I am in the midst of this process as the seller. My buyer has paid me half by Venmo and we are awaiting the see ticket confirmation of transfer for the second half. It helps that the buyer is a friend of a friend. We also exchanged driver’s licenses photos just for yucks.

Hi all,

Geoff from PB here. As far as the money exchange goes, we can help with that. As the seller, you can give us a call at the office and we will confirm your info and what all you want to transfer. We will fill out the transfer form for you and then you can 3-way call the buyer. Once the buyer pays you via Venmo/PayPal etc., we will push submit on the transfer. That way you hang up knowing you got paid and the buyer hangs up knowing that the tickets were transferred. Only takes a few minutes and helps with peace of mind for all parties.

Hope this helps, can’t wait to see y’all next month!


Hi Geoff,
Now that the May 15 SeeTickets transfer date has passed, is there a safe way to buy/sell tix? Williams Clare’s (9143630097) has offered to sell me TP camping/vehicle pass, but I don’t see a safe way to do this. I think they are going to want me to xfer via Zelle and trust them, but I don’t think that is wise.
Thx, Jim

Hey Jim, that number belongs to a known scammer. Do not send them money!


Hey Jim - the transfer window has closed because the shipping process is beginning today. Over the next two weeks or so, all of the wristbands will be shipped out. Once they arrive, it will be up to the sellers and buyers to facilitate the exchange. The safest way to do that would be to meet up, either beforehand (depending on distance) or in Telluride. Most other options will require a leap of faith. Luckily, you got @thewiz looking out for you here!


Hi All! Have people began receiving their tickets yet? I purchased a couple 4 day town park passes off Stubhub (for less than face) and the guaranteed delivered by date is 06/19. That is no good considering we fly from Tampa into Denver early that morning. My assumption is they just list that date to be safe and tix will most likely be mailed out a day or two within seller receiving them. I also have the option to change the shipping address to a friends house in Denver but would rather not have to make the stop as we want to arrive in Telluride as soon as possible Wednesday (I know this is already lateish to the party).

I believe everyone should have received their tickets by now if ordered directly from SeeTickets. If you can get a copy of the original buyer’s ID and the last for of the credit card they purchased them with, you can present that information to the box office and they will reissue wristbands. Otherwise, this is why you don’t buy tickets from StubHub…

has anyone that transferred tickets to another person received a confirmation email that the transfer went through? i thought the deadline/email date was 6/17 or 6/19.