Any charges yet?

Anyone see charges yet?
I keep refreshing my account looking for charges. :lol

Not yet here. I’m frantically refreshing since 530a

I’ve got a pending charge!

Yay! That is a good sign.
I hope I get one soon… this is the only charge I look forward to seeing on my cc each year. :thumbsup

Scored this year!

Nothing yet. At what point do you know that you didn’t win? It’s been a few years.

At least one of my camp mates, who actually put in for 4, hasn’t had a charge, either. Our other camp mate only put in for two, and I could only afford one. Which means that we may be looking for tickets for one or all three of us!

It usually takes a few days and they trickle in over time. Don’t worry, it’s not over yet!

Is everyone just noticing card activity or have you received emails?

CC charge here.

Just charges - no e-mails yet.

Pending charge. Sunshine day, smiling face. See you in Telluride, cannot wait. :green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:

Congrats! Isn’t this the 2nd in a row?

This will be our first TB. We entered the lottery.
What are chances of getting camping passes.
25%, 50% ???

It depends. Did you just enter for Town Park or did you try for Warner Field as well? In general, you have a much better shot at getting WF tix because TP are in such high demand. It’s difficult to know how likely you are to get them because it depends on the number of folks who entered. I’ve put in for TP every year for the last 4 years and haven’t won once. Meanwhile my friend has won all 4 times. Keep in mind that there are other camping options outside of TP/WF if you don’t win the lottery.

Our first choice was Warner Field due to location.
Closer to the stage. My wife has trouble walking
long distance.
Thanks for the info.

Now for New Orleans Jazz Fest, I can help with info.
2019 will be our 37 year in a row. We get in before the
gates open. Strong rumor has the Rolling Stones playing
May 2. Lineup will be released in Dec.

After the smoke clears, there should be WF tickets available on the ticket exchange section,31.0.html You could also create a post there requesting tickets if you’d like.

There’s also a resale in March where Planet Bluegrass resells any returned tickets.

Yes! Our first TB. We scored tickets.
Our goal is to do 2 new festivals each year.
We did 4 new fest this year plus 5 others.
TB has been on my “to do list” for 3 years.
We did Telluride Blues in 2017.

Lineup…Lineup We need 2019 Lineup.

Next road trip is Jan for IBC in Memphis.

Our 4th festival. Moving from Ilium to Town Park and we are fired up, although Ilium is great too.

I feel very blessed but it’s luck isn’t it? Look forward to seeing you there again. Festival :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Just got the rejection email. :frowning: Guess we are now on the hunt for 3.