Another Folks Fest newbie question

Chairs-- what kind are ok? Regular lawn chairs or only beach chairs?

Any other words to the wise will be appreciated.

Can’t wait!

Janet :flower

Regular chairs are find behind the line. To be closer to the stage, beach chairs are appropriate. Blankets are always good!

It can rain on and off in the afternoons. If you put a blanket or something down in the morning, bring some plastic or something to cover it. And if people are on your blanket or tarp when you need it, just say so and they will move.

Have fun!


Thanks. Of course having never attended I don’t know what “behind the line” means…!

:wave The place where we all sit is divided into two sections those of us that have low chairs
(how low,you can’t roll a beach ball under it) sit near the front half and folks with tall chairs sit in the section behind … :flower

i prefer the hammock in the trees… if i could just stop dancing! :cheers