Alta Lakes Camping Conditions?

Hey friends! This will be my 6th TBF but first in 7 years. Always used to camp up at the amazingly beautiful Alta Lakes dispersed camping (often set up down by the ghost town). It’s been a while, so I’m wondering if people know the current condition/status. Is it still as amazing as always? Is the road passable (although scary as hell)? Will be arriving Wednesday evening, will it be packed by then?

Let me know if you have any more recent experience up there!

Aside from scavenging some firewood left by the USFS at the Alta Lakes turn off, I haven’t been up there yet; however, some short hikes in the area a comparable altitudes have encountered a fair amount of snow in the suspect spots (shady north facing). Generally speaking, we’ve had a long and sustained cold spring with a fair amount of snow, so if I were forced to bet, I’d say there’s probably at least some snow up there … at the same time, the road might have gotten a little help from people clearing it out.

Thanks for the tip! I called the Ranger and it sounds like there is still a decent bit of snow. Bummer. Any other suggestions? Are we likely to have better luck at Priest Lake or Lizard Head Pass?

:wave Lizard Head is usually pretty open by this time of the year for dispersed camping. It’s especially nice if you’re just passing through on your way to Telluride.


I’m sure Sunshine is clear by now, and probably open … although not sure if it’s been fully booked or not. Definitely the closest non-TBF improved campground to town.