Acclimating to altitude...

So we’re getting into Colorado Wednesday morning and should be in T-ride mid afternoon. We are coming from Cincinnati where the altitude is a whopping 800 FT…any advice as to how to make our acclimating to the altitude of the mountains any easier before arriving? I work out with weights regularly, but don’t do a lot of strenious exercise. Thanks for any advice, we’d like to enjoy ourselves as much as possible without too much stress on our bodies.

The air is thin and very dry, so it’s easy to dehydrate.
Eating banana’s will give you needed potassium, and drinking Gator-aid will help you hydrate. Don’t over exert yourself the first couple days. :flower

I’ve found that if I drink Gator-aid the last couple days as well, I don’t get cramps in my hands coming back down and I live at about 5700 feet. :cheers

I don’t think there is much you can do at home to prepare for high altitude. Just don’t be surprised when you get here and get tired easily, especially walking uphill or carrying things. Some people also get headaches the first day or two if they are very sensitive to the change.

Do everything Tom mentioned for sure. Drinking lots of water (or Gatoraide) is really important. And remember alcohol effects are more pronounced too (cheap date), so don’t try any frat party beer bongs until you’ve tested out your metabolism on a smaller scale.

Here’s more information as well on Altitude Adjustment :flower

This is often times associated with dehydration…and can be diverted, sometimes, by drinking LOTS of water before you leave home. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate before you get to elevation…it’ll help.

This is the reason Planet Bluegrass has to rent 27 bazillion Porta Pots for the festival.

Thanks guys for the advice!

I thought it was because you were passing around Hooch to everyone…:huh

Live at about 9800’ Drink alot of water! Gatoraid is good too, but all that high fructose corn syrup is terrible for you. Drink more than you think you will ever need and then a little more. Also, I’ve heard the “altitude adjustment” stuff sold at the register of alot of gas stations in the high country actually works really well. Kind of expensive, but probably worth it.
Have fun!

I don’t recommend drinking lots of beer the night you get there and then trying to hike to Bridal Veil the next day… But in general I’d say after that first day, I didn’t really notice the altitude myself. But what everyone else said is good advice to go by.

This info/story is in another thread somewhere, but I’ll tell it again…

The Saturday morning of the “Land Rush” on the Town Park Preserve I was doing great. Camp Run-A-Muck unloaded several cars, trucks and a trailer onto our campsite. Just after the “Erection Team” raised the main kitchen and pickin’ tents we stopped for a break. It was hot and I was handed a beer. After HALF of the beer I could feel myself truly melting!(that was a scary feeling)

Tahoe Gypsy (Kristie) was kind enough to walk with me up to town (stopping many, many times along the way at other camps and park benches in town). My main goal was to get to the grocery store, but half the time during the walk I couldn’t remember exactly why I need to go to the store.

Upon entering the grocery store I saw the bananas and remembered why I wanted to go into town in the first place. After purchase, the two of us sat on a park bench outside the store and we each ate a banana and drank a full bottle of water. The effect was almost immediate relief.

Rubber legs gone, we hiked (back) over to the Free Box, did a little shopping and dragged the loot back to camp, only to discover that most of the set-up had been finished by our fellow campers (thanks again folks!).

One should really limit the intake of caffiene, sugar and alcohol until you adjust to the rise in elevation. After adjustment you’ll be back on your feet and ready for FESTIVVVAAALLL!!! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :pickin

Of course training your liver and brain for a couple of weeks before you arrive at altitude always helps. :drunk I prescribe your favorite alcoholic beverage and bluegrass/newgrass on the stereo each night for at least 2 weeks before heading to Telluride. That way only your lungs need to adapt! :pipe

Be sure to dance around in your living room too. Also, blast the AC and the Heat periodically.

And hop into the shower with all your clothes on every afternoon for 5 minutes.

I do my part! :evil

:wave Ginger can ease some of the symptoms of altitude sickness. Ginger ale, gingersnaps, crystallized ginger, ginger root.
Some liquor stores even carry a ginger beer! Maybe it’s for a buzz without hangovers.
Some long-time pilots clued me in to this a few years ago when a friend came from Hawaii to 7000’ where I live. Nothing seemed to help her until I found out about the ginger, and it worked quite well.
Just take it easy when you first get here, and pace yourself.

For an added bonus, you can try to put on your rain gear after you get into the shower. To make it more realistic, as soon as you get all your rain gear on, turn off the shower.

Doc, send us all a bill for that advice. That s**t is priceless. :lol

As my friend John McNair always says, it “the well-managed buzz” that you’re after. Especially since at Telluride it can last for, like, 10 days and all.

This is some real handy info

If you are driving out, there should be no problem. You gain the altitude over a couple of days. My wife and I drive out from Bloomington, Indiana and have never had any symptoms from the altitude, but it helps that we spend a couple of nights in Boulder on our way. If you are flying, that is a different beast. Like people have mentioned above drink plenty of water, and I would be judicious with any alcohol the first day. Just saying…