ABGAT Roll-Call! Who's heading up early?

This TBF can’t happen soon enough for me. After 19 years in a row, I had to miss 2020 and 21. So I’ve got some catching up to do. Therefore, I’m arriving this Sunday!

Hopefully my clients will quiet down a bit and allow me to stay thru the entire fest. After the week I’m having, I need to surround myself with pine trees, river sounds and sweet jams as soon as possible.

Who else is coming up for the famous ABGAT days???

We’re heading up Sunday as well

Sugar and I will roll in next Thursday!

Not to make it very obvious that this is going to be my first time but what does ABGAT stand for? To answer your question though I will be coming in on Saturday.

Advanced BlueGrass Assault Team!

Friday for us, sadly.

Technically, shouldn’t it be ABAT?

Wednesday Evening for us :cheers

Cay & I leave Tuesday morning. 4 days!

Friday for us too, but we should be in town in the morning. Thursday is in Pagosa.

Hopefully Thursday for me! :peace