ABGAT 2009

Ok kids
None of the Traditional Camps have Hit Yet
Deb and I are in …Tom is in
ABGAT is June 8th
PM us if you are in …
Lets keep it positive that we can get all the Camps in !
Note to newbes …
Please if yall Hit and you have extras … PLEASE … get in touch with Tom or I
Help us get the core family in otherwise all the stuff we do WONT happen
Thank you for your time and consideration … :cheers

ABGAT is June 8th!

You know, the thought of spending my actual Birthday in Telluride is sounding pretty cool right about now. :thumbsup

Count me in Ron and Deb! (Can’t wait to meet ya Deb!) :flower

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

I’m in.

Camp Totally Lit will be there in full force, on or before June 12.

Of course, we’ve only got a couple of tickets to start, but hey, it’s a start.

Hugs Auntie …
Bevin you and I will hook up way before then !

The other Ron in Abq is in
Fishbone is out
WanderIn is out except for Deb and I
Tickets we Need … Please Help

Contact off list
or at abgat@comcast.net
Thank you

Tiki as well as most of the Flagstaff crew were shut out this year. :mad

I’m fine w/ Warner pass and bein’ festi, but Tiki needs to get “in”. (I need a place to “festi” to)

Edited by BGD :rolleyes

Kerri and i are in, she may have a line on an extra ticket. I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks Brother Rick …just pass it over to the Den Mother
Capt you and I need to have a few or more brews together


:: GOOD VIBES to those who need TP tix! ::

:vibes :thumbsup :vibes

O.K. Folks,
If Granny gave ya a Summer Solstice Sea Cruise as your holiday gift this year and ya need to pass along those 2009 Telluride Town Park Festival Passes, Ron (N Deb) is the man to contact. He’s the primary leader of THE ONE AND ONLY, First Generation, Do or Die, Advanced Blue Grass Assult Team.

Not to worry, you can always take another poke at the Town Park Lottery in 2010, and we’ll welcome you with open arms just the same.
Thank You!

(This has been a P.S.A. for Telluride ABGAT 2009. Back to the Bluegrass now, run along, run along…)

Much Love and HNY to all !

Ok Kids …Update …
WanderIn is all but Covered
One VP would be nice … 3 would be better …heheh
We are Full Tilt now … Deb and I are excited after taking a year off
buying the new house … all is well here …
Cant wait for all the Love and the Hugs !

Ok trying to get a head count on all getting there
Town Park June 8Th … :cheers :cheers.
Tom we know … who else …step up we need to make a plan…
we still need a bunch of Tixs but we will worry about that later