A repost from 2009 about vehicle passes

Just thought we needed to spread this message again…

About Your Vehicle Pass
« on: April 20, 2009, 05:19:48 PM »

There’s been a concern that some folks new to TBF have Vehicle passes that they truly do not need. To clear up any confusion I have been asked to explain the following…

Telluride Bluegrass Festival Passes are an item the community trys it’s best to reserve for those that may have the need to retreat to a camper or pop-up trailer for medical and/or health concerns.

Town Park and Warner Field Camping is very much UNLIKE other festivals, i.e., Bonnaroo or Wakarusa, where your camping space may or may not be limited to the legnth of your vehicle. We do not drive our cars into the campgrounds and camp beside them.

Most of Town Park Camping is in the wooded areas defined as The Town Park Preserve and The Town Park Primitave Area which are spur areas of a year round campground with specific spaces. Many of these specific camping spaces are taken one week prior to Planet Bluegrass taking over the Town Park area as a whole, on the Saturday prior to the actual start of music on Thursday, by folks that pay the Town of Telluride for camping. They are know to the community as A.B.G.A.T., The Advanced Bluegrass Assult Team.

A.B.G.A.T. folks are a vital part of a very large extended family. These are the folks that will welcome you with open arms to the festival grounds, help you establish your camp and at times help you with set-up, which can be invaluable at or after dusk on any given night, especially if you’ve driven a long distance… and then need to set up your own lodging… in the dark.

There are at least two families that have been a vital part of the A.B.G.A.T. for years that are now in true need (as defined above) of Vehicle Passes. If you or someone you know is in possession of a Vehicle Pass (or has one waiting at Will Call) and now realize that you really don’t need it to define your camping space at TBF, please contact either myself through this forum or check in the “Ticket Exchange” section of this forum under the thread “The Camps Need Tickets” and respond in any manner of your choice to Ron N Deb and we will find a way to get the Vehicle Pass to the folks in need (payment to you of course).

Thank You for you time,
Auntie Hope
TBF ~ A.B.G.A.T 2009

Well said, Debbie. I understand that we don’t really know each other, but I’m still keeping my eyes open for you.

Thanks… But, what I reposted was actually written by Hope… It does clarify things some though so thought it was worth posting again.

In that case . . . Well said, Hope.

Perfectly put, Auntie Hope!
Jailhouse Rocks!
:woohoo :hop :woohoo :hop :woohoo :hop :woohoo

Thanks Folks! :slight_smile:
You all made my day!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green