A hello and introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Billy Blaze :wave

I just presented FolksFest with an electronic press kit of my original work, i live way over here in Weatherford, Tx. and just found out about you guys Festival…and not a momnet too soon since this is the last day for submissions.
I am hoping to be able to come out and share some of my music and meet some fellow songwriters.
I will be stopping by frequently to keep up, and network…and share some tunes with you guys.
Here is my website that has some MP3’s for download or you can stream the songs.
Thanks for letting me be a part.

I guess you have to look at my profile for my website…lol
new board new rules :slight_smile:

Where is the Love?

Well , thank you I appreciate that.
I got to send some people here and get this ball rolling…lol

I may try and swing the trip up there even if I don’t get picked to play just to meet people and network. I guess if I walk around playing and singing my songs I will get some reaction…haha

Well thank you very much, I am still a noob…been writing for about 2.5-3 years.
Hoping to spread the word and get my name out there, maybe one day I can make a little scratch doing something I love.
It’s a funny thing writing songs, I …like many I would assume write from personal experiences and experiences of those close to me so they are all personal.
Doing that and having them cross over so that others can relate isn’t an easy thing to do, I am still learning though…and try to be vauge and hide some of the meanings of the song in the lyrics so that it can be taken as meaning more than one thing.

I really am glad you like the songs, I guess that means I am doing something right :wink:

Come to song school next year, Billy (because this year is full up) - you will never get more encouragement in your life :slight_smile:

That would be nice if I lived in the area.
But the only way I can justify coming to Co. is if I am spreading the seed of music (BB style)
On a good note been talking to some disc jockeys and have an on air interview with a pretty big Texas radio station about and playing my first CD “Under the Covers” all this before I even release it, i plan to have it finished this year.
People are responding well to my performances across all age ranges so that’s a really good thing, i am thankful.
Still bummed I didn’t get picked to play at Folks Fest but what can you do, there’s always somewhere to play for free i guess.

Just to let you guys know, My CD will be out on September the 20th, 2008
Check out my site for more details.
Billy B.

:wave Hey BillyB :wave I will check out your CD!! :flower

Hi Landshark,
Check out “Dixie Devil”, let me know what you think
www.BillyBlaze.net then go to audio, i have done soooo much to the website since I have been here last.

Such depth to your voice and lyrics, yum… I like :flower

Thanks landshark!
I hope you will taje the time to check out some more of my songs, i will be adding more off the CD in next few days too.
I appreciate the very kind words…maybe I will be deemed worthy to come play at Folks-Fest sometime before i’m dead…lol

[quote author=Billy Blaze link=topic=1339.msg31045#msg31045 date=121967654
I appreciate the very kind words…maybe I will be deemed worthy to come play at Folks-Fest sometime before i’m dead…lol
Only the lucky BillyB :flower :cheers