A funloving and considerate Festivarian always,,,,

A funloving and considerate Festivarian always,

Picks up trash around them before leaving the festival grounds in the evening.

Throws only one tarp(not 3 rolled into 1)

Dances when and where appropreate(not in your neighbors face)

Keeps a watchful eye on their children

Shares their tarp with others.

Uses the correct trash option

… uses a festival-compliant, low-back chair

keeps a Green campsite

doesn’t incessantly clap along to the music (there’s always a clapper)

shares what they have with friends

makes newbies feel welcome

Brings enough :pipe2 to share
Brings enough :drunk to share

and never :hooch on his friends.

God, I do love a festival… Governor A J ( hey if Tom Can be Mayor, Let a boy dream)

AJ, how bout we start you at as a council person and see if you canb get enough delegates to be a governor :lol

You could probably run as the green party candidate :lol


Reminding people to drink water!!!
Ron harrassed me a key points last year and
I wouldn’t have stay upright otherwise!
There are so many tasty homebrews and such
water seems so overrated compared to
apricot hefe or raspberry wheats… :cheers

Has excellent aim in the porta potties!

and NEVER puts stuff in the porta-potty urinals that will plug it up. :flower

and always shuts the porta-potty door softly and quietly early in the morning

And always loves all festivarians for exactly who they are!
:festivarian :green :abduct :drunk :flight :pirate :jester :pipe2 :hooch

Mark for a guy in Alabama, You show a lot of insight. :wink:
Any interest in being my Presidential campaign manager? :flower

Squirts only those with squirt guns or spray bottles and then have no mercy. :evil

… will second the motion to nominate AJ as Governor of Town Park. :thumbsup

Have you heard about his energy-efficiency plan using solar power? We would post it, but it was over-ruled by the Bluegrass Council (Dustin) as not 100% forum-friendly. :rolleyes If you are interested in learning more about AJ’s plan for the environment, contact his deputy campaign manager, HoOch.

As your presumptive nominee I want all my constituents to know that i am humbled by this. :flower

I am working on cabinet appointments. :festival
DukTape Man has been offered the Secretary of health and human services position. but was too drunk to respond. :drunk

I herby execute executive order number 420420420. :wink:
All beer sold at TBF be reduced to only $1 :thumbsup

Thank You and goodnight. Governor Elect A to the J :cheers

Thanks for this!!! It’s an amazing thing. Those porta-potty doors slam quite loudly. So how do you train 2000 campers to close the door softly in the middle of the night, or early in the morning?

Set up a noise activated camera and post their picture the next day. :lol

Should we make some signs that say “Please close door softly at night”

or something like that?

They may not be able to see the sign in the dark.
Better yet would be to insist the porta-potty vendor install hydraulic dampeners so the door can’t slam. :thumbsup

But that would leave too much time for flys and smells…
maybe some foam tape to dampen the noise at the point of contact…
It would still squish closed and help a little,

Or just remove the doors! :eek :blush