420 Forum Rating?

So come on guys… what gives with this? Is there a secret area here in the Forum that the rest of us don’t get to see?

xo Rhonny

It’s from AJ’s campaign headquarters in his run for governor.

OH I see!

Well… I’d drop by his headquarters, blow up some balloons, find babies to kiss, etc., but I don’t know where they are.

xo R

Check the Duktape update :thumbsup

Never let it be said that you aren’t helpful, Mike. Thanks!! :cheers

xo R

Its cause you can’t spell BONG alphanumerically


i want my 420 rating

Huff! Puff! Yerrrr allllmossssssssttt there Nate :eek!

Maybe next year, um? what was I doin?


Duketape Man Update


I feel ya, MandoNate… I want my 420 rating too! ~ But alas, I’m only a 4…
I musta lost a 20 somewhere ~ if anyone finds it, will ya please return it?
LOL!! :lol

hipchc…one more post and you’ll have a 4 rating with 20 posts…thats pretty close. :wave

Haha, thanks for the confidence, Gorfolio!!
~ Awww, shit… I think I’m at 4 & 21 now, D’OH!!!

I can’t take it any longer, can I just leave already???

So how does a person get this rating? Is it actually earned, or is it done by one of the moderators?

There was a post about AJ for Gov
if you hit that post you got the 420

HEY! who smited me? I’m down to 413, someone fix please? I’ll give you some bacon.

Who would smite you, Cindy Lou?

Still working on my 420 rating. Sigh…someday… :wink:

Thanks Linds! And back at ya.

You, my friend, are a magician! :wink:

Evidently, somebody doesn’t understand the significance of this rating. :eek

I’ve got you covered, Tom.