2024 Rocky Grass Intermediate Mandolin Academy/Camping AND Vehicle Pass AND Guest Pass Tickets

Hi everyone, I’m new here and thank you in advance for any info/help you can give me.

My son Nate is 15yrs old and I was just in the online que trying to get:

  1. 1 - Intermediate Mandolin Academy / Camping ticket
  2. 1 - Vehicle Pass
  3. 1 - Guest Pass

By the time it was my turn, everything was sold!!! :frowning:

This would be his first year experiencing this and it is heart breaking that we weren’t able to get him into the academy.

Does anyone have any extra tickets of any of the items listed above?

Again, Thank you and all the best, Brian

Howdy! I’ve moved your post to the Rockygrass Academy ticket exchange where you’ll have better luck finding what you are looking for.

Guest passes only go on sale after onsite registration I believe.

Keep an eye out here and look to the resale in April (I think) and you’ll find your mando - not sure about the vehicle pass though - those are new this year and it’s hard to tell how many of those will pop back up. There were only 50 total for sale.

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