2020 Random Cancellation Question

Let me start by stating that this isn’t a super important question in the grand scheme of things with everything happening in the world, but the TBF cancellation got me thinking…

Will the 2021 TBF be called the 47th TBF or will this year’s cancelled TBF serve as the 47th?

From the recent Planet Bluegrass email:

“We would sure love to see you at the 48th Annual Telluride Bluegrass Festival next year! We are set to gather again from June 17th to 20th, 2021…”

Kind of like skipping the “13th floor” on an elevator.

Since the festival and I are the same age, and my birthday falls on the weekdays after the fest every year, does that mean I’d get to hold for a year, too?

I thought all women did that. :lol