2019 Bloody Mary Monday!!!!

Hey All,

Because Swander isn’t making it this year, I’ll be helping Debbie plan BMM. On Monday 6/17 from 10am-Noon, we’ll meet near the bathhouse and consume bloodies together. BYO cup/metal straw!

It was decided that we’d only do 4 batches for this year so I’ve adjusted the needs list accordingly. Apparently we’re all lightweights these days.

Anywho - I’m going to keep track of everything on this handy spreadsheet - just post what you can bring and I’ll update the spreadsheet.

Please bring your contributions to Debbie or me before Monday morning. Debbie is by the bathrooms, pink elephant flag. I’m in “Camp Trailer Smash” up by the waterfall. Thanks for your donations so we can keep this tradition going!


Edit: As of 5/21, we have all of the donations we need! Thanks everyone and look forward to seeing you at FESTIVALLLLL!!!

We’ll bring 1 jug of vodka and some hot sauce to share.

Thanks Todd! Added to the spreadsheet.

Thanks for allowing me to edit the list.
I’ve added my submissions.

Thanks Tom!

Though I do not partake in Bloodies, I like to contribute to the shenanigans. Put me down for 3 cans of Tomato juice.

Thanks for picking up Swander’s slack! :lol

Nate Grant

Well that’s very kind of you - thanks for the contribution! I have you on the list!

I will bring some Buckeye Vodka, some tomato juice and horseradish.

Thanks! One of each?



I usually wait until closer to fest and fill in where needed.

Sounds like a plan Kathryn - thanks for the bump as well!


As we’re getting closer, I’m hoping folks can help fill in the gaps of needs.

Thank you in advance for contributing to this long-standing tradition!

Great work Lucas! I’ll have a bucket of Bloody Marys @ Blue Ox if anyone makes it to Eau Claire! :cheers
(they’re never as good as in Town Park, but helps me cope with my TBF46-FOMO)


We’re gonna miss your sorry ass this year. :lol

What’s the matter? Getting too old for two festivals in a row? :evil

Of course not, it’s the 24+hour drive! :eek :drive We “Festival!” every week. Maybe someday we’ll have our own “PSB TBF AGBAT” with a second tent compound all set up and ready to go. You, of all people, should know the effort ‘Camp Comfort of The North Gnomes’ puts in to Festival! Plus we’d still miss some of the most fun pre-fest days. We want to AGBAT SOONER, and stay later. Not be late. :flower :cheers

I’ll forgive you this time. :wink:

Just tell the people at Blue Ox to move it back a week or two next year. :thumbsup

Hi Lucas - Camp HulaGanz can provide the following:

EZ-Up Canopy
Celery Salt

thanks for doing this!
