In keeping with their efforts of incorporating green ideas into their festivals, Planet Bluegrass has teamed up with Leave No Trace for the 1ST ANNUAL LEAVE NO TRACE “HOW GREEN IS YOUR GRASS?” CAMPSITE CHALLENGE.
Looking forward to seeing some green campsites :thumbsup
Planet Bluegrass Intern

Are you looking for a fun, creative, and meaningful way to demonstrate your love for RockyGrass?! Participate in our 1st annual “How Green is Your Grass?” Campsite Challenge! Brought to you by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and supported by Planet Bluegrass, Keen Footwear, New Belgium Brewing Company, and Clif, this contest challenges you to camp with responsible and creative flair!


  1. If you are camping onsite, take a digital photo of your campsite. (Sorry, this first year’s contest is only open to campsites in the on-site campground.)
  2. Bring your camera and cable over to the Leave No Trace booth in the Green Town area of the festival.
  3. Fill out our entry form and your photo will be printed and displayed at the Leave No Trace info booth.
  4. Between 4:00-5:00 pm each day, we will make a stage announcement declaring the daily winner. Winners will also be posted at the Leave No Trace booth.

We are scoring participating campsites on three simple criteria:

  1. CLEANLINESS: i.e. Are you repackaging the food you bring? Are you keeping a tidy campsite? Are items secure and not susceptible to wind gusts? Are you safely disposing cigarette butts?
  2. SUSTAINABILITY: i.e. Are you separating your recyclables, compostibles, etc. Are you reusing products (cups, utensils, water bottles) instead of trashing them? Are you using any alternative energy sources? Are you using wind credits or did you bike to the festival?
  3. CREATIVITY – i.e. Does your campsite have a theme? Are you utilizing any unique and innovative camping techniques?

Each evening, one lucky campsite will walk away with a ton of prizes including:
Keen Footwear, Coleman Camping products, Planet Bluegrass Nalgenes, Leave No Trace memberships, recycled Frisbees, canvas tote bags, and much more!

Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to the responsible enjoyment and active stewardship of the outdoors by all people, worldwide. Visit us on our website at www.LNT.org or call 1-800-332-4100

Very clever, this would be fun to see at Town Park for next year.

Might be a little late but I think Jerry and Karlos’ efforts at Run-A-Muck will remain unsurpassed for many, many years, in all of those categories! Who else had a solar array?? Compostable plasticware?? Recycled gray water? I ask of you! Plus if I do say so myself, we kept a tidy camp :slight_smile:
Ah well, the bar is raised high for the first contest!

Actually, Wander In had a solar system too. :lol

And it would be tough to judge at TBF. Here’s what I came up with last night, this needs a new thread maybe. Since I’m flying, someone else has to invent it.

A bicycle on a stand that when you pedal it turns a ceiling fan and pumps the water misters that circle the campsite. Of course the ceiling fan is above the lounge that I will sit on while being fed peeled grapes by guys in sarongs. But that might be a different thread as well.


What a great idea! Too bad us lowly Meadow Park campers can’t play. Maybe next year, when you’ve turned your internship into a full-blown sustainable full-time job :thumbsup

Looking forward to seeing you at Rocky Grass!

Fantastic idea! Let’s do it, Run-A-Muckers!! :flower :flower

:frowning: BoooooHoooooo… :frowning: I want to go green at Rockygrass toooooo! :frowning:

I MISS MY Run-A-Muck Family :frowning:

Auntie Hope :frowning:

It won’t be the same without you, Auntie Hope!

Thanks Hooch! …and thanks for the call Daniela!

Auntie Hope :pickin

I always go VERY GREEN. :pipe :pipe :eek :eek :lol :lol
I can win this! :hop :hop :hop :hop
See ( almost :rolleyes ) all of you soon! :cheers

After seeing some really cool green sites at Town Park, I am looking forward to see what comes to be at Rocky Grass. :eek Good things indeed. And I’m excited to see y’all already getting pumped for this contest. Safe travels :wave


Are the results in YET Green Bonnie?

Auntie Hope :pickin

This is a Great article. that is such a great idea. I hope it goes somewhere. :cheers



proud to be one of the winners of 2019 campsite challenge, we are locals working hard to teach our kids to LEAVE NO TRACE; this weekend with a camp of 14 full timers, and 10-15 day hanger-outers including a gaggle of teens I am happy to say that when we packed up camp Monday morning we had STILL not filled a kitchen trash bag (it was not quite half full)!