1-Page Schedule

I don’t like using my phone or flipping across pages of a schedule, so I’ve been making these 1-page schedules for festivals I attend. Hopefully this is accurate, proofing my own work is not always the best.

How to use:

  • Phone: pull up file on your phone, screenshot each day is nice
  • Print: print/cut/fold
  • Laminate: print/cut/fold/laminate

Phone/Print version:

Laminate version:

I’ve been looking forward to this, thanks for putting it all together.

:bash tried something similar with my phones calendar did not work…
This is pretty handy :hug

Thank you so much for this! :thumbsup :medal

Lunderpants, a 1000 thanks for putting this together. I spend many hours at TBGF looking through my program to make sure I’m not missing anything, this is great! Fletch

I always put the screenshot of each day’s schedule as my phone background for the day :slight_smile: Saves me the hassle of pulling up the image each time on my phone (which also saves battery power). Maybe I’m just lazy, but it works for me! :lol