TP Showers

If it’s warm enough, the price of entry to the pool includes a shower token!

Also, the visitors center at the north end of the pools showers sells said tokens, though I haven’t purchased them myself.

Waterfall showers are still free, no quarters needed.

Camp HulaGanz will have a defibrillator in camp if needed :wink:


True as long as you’re not ‘bathing yourself’. Where that line is drawn is a good question :wink:

I like smelling nice but I think I’m good, I have offers of showers from some of my condo ing buddies here.

Good god I’m getting so excited. Almost time to hit the road.

I’m singing pretty much every song from Greensky and counting the hours until I see Paul Hoffman.

I mean until I see Festivarians.


Hmmm Lucas…Dave was not “au natural” and used no soap so Bear Creek downstreamers were safe…he did however have trouble keeping his loofah from freezing, until he cornered that marmot :wink:



P.S. ~ nice selection of Avery gold foils for the Tuesday beer share…I may have to up my game and do a vertical series of Natty Lite :slight_smile:

Bevin, I bought a $2 rain poncho today just in case. I’m counting on your jacket.

So when you say shoes do you mean I need something other than thongs or sneakers? Do I buy gum boots or something else?

I am so excited. Slightly terrified about camping for the first time in my life but I cannot wait to hang out with my Duk Tape family and the vaguely scary Run A Muk Crunchy Frog mob.

Festival excitement and reunions await

Gumboots? :evil