Town Park Campground Map

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

And THAT is why we love it that you are camping with us!!!

I knew that would create a buzz. :lol :lol :lol

LOL! A drink or two or three and anything else you could use.

So, just wanted to send a little note to add Camp Cascadia to the map right next to Tiki Bar inside the turn by the waterfall. :wave

As for all of the bacon conversations, you’ve got my attention! - SUEY!!! I sure do love me some fried swine!!! Bacon Queen returns 2012…beware!!! (So, there’s an emoticon for a dancing banana, but no bacon! I’m very disappointed!!!)

Bunny, Bunny Cascadia(Ginger)Mel

:bacon (shhhh, it’s a secret) :lol

“20 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope! Please God, don’t let Kevin Bacon die!” -unknown

See you all Sunday night before the fest. Hope someone will help me put up the 3 room tent…rest of the gang doesn’t come until later!

do we need to work on Mai tai fixins? remember no stirring!!

somebody needs to grab the piñata :flower I’m packed to the gills.


Who is bringing the stick? Oddly we don’t have one in our gear list. After the Pinata bash we can use the stick to keep Billy Beru from humping things.

Hopefully . . .

how do you keep him from humping the stick?

Put hot sauce on it.

I have an old banjo neck that would work as a stick. (and a Billy club :lol) I’ll throw it in the TBF pile.

But Billy won’t be there so we don’t need a stick. And we don’t REALLY need the mai tais do we? I think some things should be left for the ones who do them so well, even it that means skipping a year.

well taken!

LOL. Sense Mia Tias, appreciating y’alls misguided respect of BB’s absence, assuming he makes a good Mia Tia. At least he won’t be humping the stick. :lol

Oh Lordy. Is he doing that again in public? :huh

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I think he isn’t very good at following rules.

Here I go, swondering again. Is there any chance I contracted any of those oddball BillyBeru, humping genes after the “incident” of 2011 during which the Frog coerced me into unspeakable shenanigans with said BB?

oooo do tell