Why yes Ron I did. Thank you for inquiring. I believe that spending quality time with one’s compatriots in the wide open beauty of a high desert plane is perhaps the pinnacle of human interaction. To sing, to dance, to eat, to play, to festivate in the glorious setting that is the abode of Richard Martin is truly exquisite and should one have the opportunity to ice the cake with the tender warmth of, shall we say…a back of the truck snuggle…well who could possibly envision a more nobler existance?
We can behave if we have to. You should have seen Michelle last night. All beautiful and serene sporting shiny gorgeous hair as she presided over the bar…
If I was so well behaved, why was I so hung over the next morning??? …you girlz are all convinced that my self-control button was functioning on Thursday night…rest assured, it wasn’t…I just looked “serene” compared to you lunatics:)…not by any other standards.
And if you can believe it there are still two more unaccounted for!!!
That’s right folks, not only do you get the Latara, the Clitchelle, the Vajanet, and the Bestica, this year there is a special offer and Flagstaff is throwing in two more Goddesses into the mix, so give it up for Glisten :wave and Zoolema :flower!!!
And that’s not all. Our very own will be in the Band Contest this year!!
Go Kristen, Go Kristen! Go Voluntary String BAND!!!
Hahaha Nice sell Vajanet…ever thought of going into sales? …or law? You would be great at it … how about Environmental Law, hmmm?
BTW - I always spelled it Zulema, intersting choice of letters chica! XOXO
That pic is great, where is it from?