Revised CDC Guidance / 2021 Telluride Bluegrass COVID protocols

We share tarps at TBF, the community love and sharing is one of the best parts…maybe we won’t be sharing tarps this year, but we sure will be sharing the love…so get vaccinated and get in on the love sharing.


New update from the planet:

Dear Festivarians,

Thank you to everyone who took time to respond to the survey we sent out on Monday. We received great feedback that prompted some meaningful discussions within our team.

Of those who responded, the vast majority would prefer to sacrifice some distancing for better seats. In the responses from our survey last week, we found that the majority of all corrals are vaccinated (approximately 90% of respondents, not including children).

Based on this information, we have decided to move all seating closer to the stage! Every group in a reserved space will have three feet of distance between them and others. Your reserved space will remain the same all weekend.

Take a look at the updated field map below to get a better idea of how this change impacts your view. While there were some obstructed views originally, with this restructure, everyone will have a clear view of the stage!
We have added a dancing section which will be open to all those who are able to show proof that they’re fully vaccinated. We will be checking vaccine cards at the entrance to this section. Please do not bring your physical card, a photo works great. Let’s boogie!

You brought up some awesome points regarding a potential shift to GA ticketing, and we are taking some more time to ponder before making a final decision on that front. We will be sure to let you know as soon as we have any additional information.
Now that we’ve gotten the housekeeping out of the way, we can shift our attention to some wondermental news in the world of Telluride lineups.

We have added The Decemberists, as well as Richie & Rosie to the second weekend!

We are so excited to have these talented artists joining what is lined up to be a phenomenal second weekend of Bluegrass.

We know we’re throwing a lot of info your way, and everyone has been incredibly patient throughout this process, so we figured we’d toss in a fun treat for ya.

Introducing… single day lineups (for both weekends)! Artists are listed in reverse performance order.

New map:


Awesome. Love to see this! Keeping my fingers crossed that PB makes the move to go to GA ticketing.

Looks like Planet Bluegrass has taken down the ticket link for both weekends. Wonder if this is the transition to GA?

From PB on FB just now:

We’re doin a little dance over here at HQ because we have exciting Telluride news headed your way tomorrow afternoon.
Stay tuned :eyes:

Thank you all for these updates and keeping this forum relevant. I feel this is place is a critical piece to TBF. So much info and so many good intentions in here. Sad to hear the new Planet Bluegrass staff hasn’t embraced it yet.

Also I met all of you and my wife through here so, a lil biased. :vibes :vibes :vibes

Rock on friends!

Sweet Sunday morning

Sheridan Opera House to host it’s first indoor shows this weekend. First shows since the shutdown last March. Attendees will be required to show a COVID-19 vaccination card or a negative COVID test from within 72 hours prior to the show and may be maskless; those without one of these options will be required to wear a mask in the venue. For all future shows, the opera house will require proof of vaccination or a negative test; masks and pods will not be required.

Hot damn. I’m extremely doubtful any nightgrass will take place this year, but this is still welcome news.

GA added. On sale now, with individual Mary E camping and vehicle passes offered. $300 for the 1st weekend, $400 second.

It’ll be interesting if they continue to try to sell the remaining corrals, or just pull them for GA. I was hoping for some Nightgrass or new artist announcements, but I think this may be it.

Yep, good move by PB to take out the remaining unsold corrals to switch to GA. Also, looks like they are lending a helping hand to the folks who bought corrals + camping, but ended up not being able to go, which is great because quite a few folks were stuck with $4-5K.

I believe artist announcements are finished. Nightgrass, Elks, & Firstgrass seem to be off the table, which is sad. I really hope I am wrong on that, though! Elks park would be especially cool to have this year because we start music so late this year.

Glad they did it too, but unfortunately still not going to pull the trigger for $400 … which is definitely not unreasonable in light of their attendance cap at 2,500!

Now that we know PB is totally fine with putting hundreds of us in gondolas & then a closed room…

I wonder if PB is considering 86ing corrals & moving the fest to full GA with TARP RUNS! MAY THE MUSIC GODS BLESS US!

Vaccine protocols are being treated similar to motorcycle and helmut laws in CO…one can ride a motrocycle and not wear a helmut, that’s one’s choice…only now all the no helmut riders have been thrown in one big soup…where they can all not wear helmuts together, what a party! If one of them falls, well then…I think many of the states are taking this line of logic…it’s a Darwinian approach, got to give em that…I know a lot of places gave out the vaccine card after just one dose, the place i went to did…so i guess we will all just have to wait and see how this works out.

Probably all the bigger vaccination sites did that. They stamp your card on the first shot and tell you to bring it back so they can stamp it with the second. Being fully vaccinated is my helmet as well as yours!
Hope you have a safe and festive time!
Cheers!! :cheers

I believe what darkhorse was alluding to in the analogy is that everyone is free to choose whether they want to take the vax (for whatever reason); however, public health measures are enacted in such a way as to create a firewall between those who take it and those who don’t so as the increased risks of transmission are somewhat contained to the population that elected not to take the vax. It’s not a perfect analogy with helmet, but I think it does get to the heart of the matter in so far as limiting exposure / risk to only those who’ve made said choice on the vax front.

This comment, FOM, was so much more measured and restrained than how I would have responded to RockyMtnguy. So thank you.

Thanks FOM. My appreciation to you for your measured and kind response. Praying for a safe and wonderful festival with no disease outbreaks. Stay safe festivarians and dance, dance, dance for me

Missing you this year my lovely friend. Get up close to Greensky during their set and wave to me. :green_heart::blue_heart: