Folks there’s still 3 whole months till Landrush. Lets just do our personal duty to keep ourselves, families and those we come in contact with safe. By washing hands, wearing masks if you want, limiting contact, and basically staying home. Containment is key. I’ve got a sweet Ronald Reagan mask that I can wear that keeps people from coming near me. And, I’m making sure to double up on my internal sanitizer intake, and my bong fogger is working well to tackle those pesky airborne particulates. :thumbsup
Hope everyone’s got plenty of booze in the basement!
Here’s to seeing yall happy and healthy in June, keep the positivity! :cheers
It seems like there is less of a chance of the vaccine being made free for all people… but I was just trying to paint the most positive possible outcome.
From what I understand, and the outlook that I choose to live my life with there is always hope of scientific breakthrough’s. We have to have hope!
I love that you are positive and hopeful , I just don’t want anyone to think there is a fast or easy answer. Yes the best minds are working as hard as possible. To be frank, let’s pray that the Chinese ( who are the most advanced) make a treatment that works and make it available to the world.
A vaccine? I’m sure there will be one but it won’t be fast. Here is the thing. Vaccines cannot be rushed. The very worst thing that could be done is to release a vaccine that hasn’t gone through painstaking tests to check, recheck and test for safety and efficacy. A faulty vaccine would be a disaster. Not only for the health impact but also it would make people lose faith in the other vaccines that keep us safe - measles, polio, influenza, etc.
I know I sound like the voice of doom, I’m just trying to give honest information I’m so sad for what is happening in US. When I worked in pandemic planning the CDC was the GOLD STANDARD. For testing, response. We always looked to US for leadership because you genuinely have some of the smartest people but you’ve always had terrific systems in place to detect and test. I’m devastated to see it on its knees. I cannot believe the US hasn’t been able to set up a proper testing regime for COVID 19 yet.
It’s not great news that the testing isn’t happening because it’s clear there is a lot of transmission. in my tiny state of Australia just about every case now being confirmed are people arriving back from US. We have just today imposed a public health rule that everyone who arrives here has to go into 14 day isolation.
Please, please stay away from people apart from your immediate family if you possibly can. Wash your hands thoroughly, don’t cough on anyone. Play music, eat good food, I hope the sun shines.
Be safe, I will try to adopt a more positive attitude yes, I’m worried but I know that good people will work together to do everything we can to get through this crisis
Just found this an thought everyone here would like to know, at least in Telluride, things are headed in a positive direction.
3:36 a.m.: The National Guard has arrived in Telluride to help state and local officials make decisions related to testing for COVID-19. Testing is scheduled for Tuesday at a location in Lawson Hill outside Telluride for people who are symptomatic and have doctor’s orders for the test.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but it seems unlikely that by June we’ll get the go ahead for a festival with 10,000+ attendees from around the world. This is going to get worse in the coming weeks. Certainly no need to panic, but the aftershocks of the pandemic from a public health and economic perspective are going to last into the fall at least. Even Trump was forced to admit as much today.
If in 3 months we aren’t allowed to socially gather, our entire system will have collapsed! In fact, if the current suggested closing of bars, theaters gatherings for 15 days doesn’t throw a major blow to society not only financially but mentally, keeping it going for over 3 months would be insanity. If the current methods don’t contain Corona, then 3 months from now it won’t matter to be socially distant, as the virus will have run its course and you will have either survived or perished, as there is no foreseeable cure/vaccine available in that time frame. I just can’t see how it will be possible to maintain this level of distancing into the beginnings of summer. In my opinion the only folks that should be distancing are those who are at risk. Let the virus run its course through the healthy population, so the spread is not so intense. Then allow business as usual, with the mass of the population having some form of immunity. Just my thoughts. This is day 7 of distancing and day 6 of going nowhere but grocery store. Might not drive anywhere today. I can’t do this for 3 months! I NEED live music to get through life!
We’re about 7 weeks behind China and they are starting to reduce the restrictions … if we can trust their Intel. Italy is about 3 weeks ahead of us. That’s what we have to look forward to.
I heard several bands were going to stream a “non gathering” they’re doing on Saturday. A good way to support them.
The whole situation stinks, but we will get through this. I bet we see some good shows by Fall!
I was so lucky to have made it to TBF last year when my father was dying of cancer; it was the only break from reality I had for the entire spring/summer and I needed it so dearly. I literally flew back to Colorado for 5 days to go to TBF and then returned to Vermont for his death less than a week after the fest (I had been traveling back and forth between CO and VT for months). I was convinced going into it that I wasn’t going to be able go but the Universe heard my pleas and made it happen.
I fear, though, that this year my luck has run out and in 3 months we will still be under the same restrictions state-wide. I’m trying to be positive but based on what I have read, I question the likelihood of a 10K gathering in June :sorry
If we allow it to “run its course”, far more people will likely die. Health care providers are likely going to get overrun as it is; if we can at least temper the pace to allow more infected people to receive life saving treatment, the mortality rate will likely be far lower vs. an onslaught. If there’s a chance at flattening the curve, why not at least try?
In recent news, “San Miguel County is partnering with United Biomedical (UBI) and its subsidiary c19 taking on the COVID-19 pandemic, to be the first in the United States to test an entire county with UBI’s COVID-19 blood test.” SMC has also adopted a “shelter in-place” public health order - similar to San Francisco.
I will likely opt to get tested, but to be honest am a bit fearful of contracting virus from the person administering the test (have been vigilant with social distancing) … not exactly sure how they’d ensure this doesn’t happen?
They should be wearing Personal Protective Equipment. They would have strict protocols in place to reduce risk ( otherwise their insurance company would go crazy over the risk). I think you should do it too, good on you
Thank you AF, appreciate your perspective on this! I just have concerns that in effort to make this happen, details in the protocols might also yield unintended consequences akin to how crowds were created at O’Hare recently. But perhaps similar to your line of thinking, I can only imagine that if this is an “experiment” of sorts, they will likely do everything in their power to insure methodology is correct. On the other hand, I’ve been trying to insure my mind doesn’t fall into the trap of “normalcy bias” in these novel times … one doesn’t get “three players” akin to a video game. Regardless, I’ll likely do it.
In related news, San Miguel County issued the details of their official public health order. It’s interesting in that there are a few glaring “holes” (in particular: take out food, second homeowners & non-essential construction workers coming and going), but I’m guessing they’re trying to make this work within people’s current expectations regarding “normalcy”; however, as the overall consequences and tolls become more visible in the media and more residents internalize, said expectations might evolve.
I would also avoid touching door handles/knobs with bare hands unless you can immediately disinfect your hands with sanitizer or wipes as others that may be infected may have touched that same door.