night possibilities

Sounds good to me. beers on me 12:00 p.m. thursday at the beer tent

How will I know its you and some beer buying imposter? Oh wait…I dont caare as long as they are buying!! :lol We look forward to meeting all of you!

By Thursday will be the hungover sunburnt people in the tie dye’s with smiles from ear to ear. It should be easy to pick us out of the crowd.


Ok … NOON … you all buy me a Beer !

Welcome to the forum Penny :cheers

wow!! Ron didn’t take you long to sniff out free beer. I’m sure i’ll be getting one or two at some point during our stay. Thanks again for the input on the tent


Happy to help !

Info On Punch Brothers night grass show.


Well Billy, it looks like I owe you a beer! :cheers I must say I am happy too pay this one. We saw them last summer at a fest in Michigan called Dunegrass and loved it. I have a great vision of standing not more than fifteen feet away from them while Bela and Peter Rowan sat in lawnchairs off stage just ssitting and enjoying the show.

Mmmm…Fat Tire (Tom, if you have a drool emoticon please place here!).

Thanks, Useless Jo! I look forward to buying you one as well. Tom, I think I owe you at least a sixer by now.

Someone say Beer ???
:evil :cheers :evil


Hey Boys :wave
Free Beer at my place - come n get it now!. :lol :lol :lol


I’ll take them! :cheers

Just catching up on the forum now from Nashville. :flower

Tom, are you in Nashville? Give Auntie Hope a goose for me! :dog :dog :dog
Who let the Dogs out?
:cheers :cheers

:wave Geese Honk … Dogs Bark :thumbsup


Yup! T-Tom was in the house last night… The Station Inn! We saw Shawn Camp, Aubrey Haynie, Chris Henry, Mike Bub and Charlie Cushman. Great show! Chris Henry has a new CD out called “Monore Approved”. Haven’t had a chance to take a listen quite yet, but I’m very excited that he’s getting things going!

We might get the chance to see Bobby Osborne and the Rocky Top Express on Saturday night but I’m not sure if I can get off work quite yet.

Good to see you T-Tom! :wave

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

What is the scoop on the nightgrass tickets tomorrow? What time do they go on sale, etc? :huh :huh :huh :huh :huh

What UJ said…

Ditto the question - is it just the schedule that’s being announced tomorrow, or will the tickets go on sale immediately, too?

Thanks to all!