i love oysters
raw, or steamed, with some tabasco and maybe a squeeze of lemon and some horsradish…
i love oysters
raw, or steamed, with some tabasco and maybe a squeeze of lemon and some horsradish…
:wave We’d love to join in for the “Renewal FestiVOWvation” ceremony. Next year is #30 for us! (not bad for a couple of 39 yr olds, eh?) Never too early to get into the festimood. :flower
Thanks everyone! :hug
Hippie, thanks for the offer :thumbsup I do agree, Run a Muck is a pretty unbeatable location! :cheers
Oooooh it’s so exciting to be able to start planning all this stuff!!! :woohoo :hop :rollin :clap :talk
:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo
Since Steve and I will be celebrating #25 on July 5, I guess it would be perfect for us to be part of the festirenewal as well…
That sounds PERFECT Deb! :thumbsup
When the moon is full my eyes shine bright
my heart starts to sing so I begin to write
the summer the music the friends new and old
my journey your journey such a long road
I feel this tug like I need to dance
and I know soon I will get that chance
cause I’m a girl with a mission a mission to move
from my 2 dusty feet I can feel that beat
my hips start rockin and man, dang,
no it is not to early :festivarian
:wave Hi Kids, long time no type! How are the breakfast plans going? :lol
Well, we’ve decide breakfast might be a good idea.
Tag, you’re it!
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
i dont know… breakfast sounds a little risky :8
Breakfast-shmeakfast Dayton! There is nothing truly risky about TBF when you think about it. I thought there was then I met you all. Hell, look at the prize you and LaLa got by taking a chance!!! :thumbsup :flower :rock :clap :hop :dance :hugWell, well worth the risk I would say! :thumbsup
well, if ya put it that way… breakfast is well worth the risk :geek
and the earlier the breakfast… the earlier the drinking! :cheers didn’t someone once say, ‘you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning’ :lol
soooo, on the menu…
how about some stuffed french toast, savory and sweet options maybe…and mimosas?
:coffee :drunk :band
:wave You’re forgetting one key ingredient…
well said sir, well said! Bacon it shall be!
bacon stuffed french toast?
with some bacon on the side
… and on the top, and underneath… just MORE BACON!!! :pig
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green
We saw Mumford & Sons in Denver last week… we thought we wouldn’t try to go back to Telluride 2 years in a row (wanna pace ourselves after our beginners luck last year!).
But after the Mumford concert last week - can’t stop ourselves! 2011 Town Park Lottery here we come!!! :thumbsup :cheers :cheers
There is no beginners luck when it comes to Telluride. Every year is sure to be spectacular. I’ve never heard of a bad TBF and I’ve definitely never experienced one. :cheers
OK, call me crazy,
Ryan Shoup and The Rubberbands :medal
:flower :hug :kiss :dog
YOU’RE CRAZY! There , I did it.