I miss Mabon!

How was Mabon? Can we see some pictures, pleeease :flower
Wendy Woo got wained on… very small crowd for Pearl Street on a Saturday night… I sure would of rather been at Mabon and wet…

The celebration of the Mabon was a grand time. We only had about 15 minutes worth of showers, and they were relatively light.

the dinner was fantastic, and the show was amazing. I didn’t get any pictures, but I’m sure there are some floating around. Hopefully someone will post them. :8

Sorry to have missed it, When I was on Pearl street just a few miles down the road, it was difficult not to just mosey over.
I did share the Planet Bluegrass love by telling my friends about the festivals and concerts and they are interested so hopefully I can get them to a wildflower concert soon.
