I know it's too early to bring up tarp line suggestions, but...

“We’re all (marginally) adults, and when we see something that seems fishy, suspicious, odd, creepy or wrong, it’s up to us to try and figure out if it’s harmless, or if we should bring it to the attention of the authorities.”

Does this include Ron? For the most part he seems harmless! :lol

Hell, sometimes even I act like a kid. :lol

I like Bevin’s idea that the problem is the behavior and not the rule (this one being the tarp size). But as we can see from some of the descriptions of events, it is much easier to enforce a rule like tarp size than it is to enforce festavarian-like behavior. A 10x10 or even a 12x12 tarp is very reasonable. If you want a 25x25 tarp, there should be an area for that… in the back.