
a picture worth a thousand words

I have to get a root canal Tuesday…before they start I’m strapping on a mask for a good dose of Heen!

the doc told me to take at least 2 heens
and call him in the morning
I felt better after just one heen
but took a 2nd heen just to make sure
when in doubt plus one heen is a good policy

An overdose of heen can cause drastic effects. :wink:

But when you get just the right amount of HEEN, it will cure allllll that ails you!


:quote I rubbed it all over my body last night, HEEEEEEEEEEEEN does a body good, I feel like an extra regular guy :Flower … :quote

Would that regular guy be something like Pee Wee Herman, or something more along the lines of Dan Tyminski… :evil


Man goes into the oral surgeon’s office for a procedure. Doc takes out a needle to numb him. “Oh no Doc, I can’t handle needles.” Doc says, “Okay, how about gas?”
“No Doc, no gas either”. Doc asks, “How do you feel about pills?” Man says, “Pills are okay”. Doc leaves the room, comes back with a blue pill in his hand, tells the guy to take it. “What is it Doc?” “It’s a Viagra pill” says Doc. Man says," I didn’t know Viagra was a painkiller!"
Doc says, “It’s not, but when I pull that tooth it’ll give you something to hold on to!”

:dance :dance :lol :lol

Oh Geez !!!

I touched my Heen last night. I need to go to confession.

Say Three Hail Heens, My son… and not with your hands in your pockets! :evil

Ah I was not wanting to be the first one that went there !
congrats John

Now I will add I touched her Heen … :evil

Does anyone know if heen does anything for pneumonia?

On a Rollercoaster here and NEED SOME HEEN!!!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

i’ve been told by a close friend that I’m no longer to put 1/2&1/2 in my coffee, so…Heen & a bit more Heen

To HEEN! with THAT! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

and also with you :cheers

Robert Earl HEEN? :eek

You can have heen in yer coffee and heen in yer ear, but there is nothin’, but nothin’ like HEEEEEEN on a Sunday morning.

Got Heen? :wink:

You all are cordially invited to come visit the Run-A-Muck bar which has now officially been named “The Green Heen” which will have a wide variety of drinks such as: booze, beer, …and that’s all. And random snacks provided by the Run-A-Muck kitchen staff.

:wave Maybe even some soilent green heen :flower