Forum Addicts

And why do you think I moved within an hour and a half from that divine box canyon rather than spend 24 hours on the road getting there?

I blame it all on this place down here…

Planet Bluegrass

Thanks Dude! I’m pushing myself away from the computer RIGHT NOW to get outside while the sun is still up.


wow monkee girl. I better get off here right know.

you really must have nuttin to do!

You are correct DemDar… um, DDH (interesting choice of screen name) - the only thing I have to do in life, is to sit on this forum and entertain you!

How am I doing so far, sir?

I am a forumvarian wananbe. At first, I was obsessed with progressing in my membership status to Festivarian, even though being a small member as a gal isn’t as much of a stigma as it seemed for some of the guys. Then, I got stifled. Finding the threads I was paying attention to, finding things to say besides FESTIVAAAAAAAAL. Then just saying FESTIVAAAAAL or :wave.

Still secretly hoping to be able to share the experience with my New Orleans friends, worried about the email from the planet suggesting people don’t just come for one day like my friends are planning. They are driving all the way to Colorado, I would hate for them to miss it.

But I had a great day, a really great day. Can’t wait for the weekend to give me more time to fix my camp. :flower Loving the message relay banter and jumping in when I can. Lovin y’all.

I feel your pain - you see I had a hard time with the designation “Forumvarian”… consequently I can’t wait to be an Old Timer. I just don’t want to be a Post Ho. In fact, I think at that point you should be able to pick your designation. I would like to be known as “Lil’ Monkey Festovarian”


Yeah, and my rating has been 19 for oh so long :frowning:

It’s just a number, that’s what I keep telling myself.

How’s that babycakes?!


<------- Lil’ Applause Monkey Paw

You are toooooo funny. :cheers

I helped you out a little too. :flower

Me Too Courtney! :clap

Hope Lin :pickin

How about a little LOVE here !


I love you Ron.

from your secret admirer.

Hello All,

My name is Sarah, and I am a forum addict. In fact, I was in the woods for the last couple of days and even amidst the beauty and energy of pure nature and perfect weather, I was having posting withdrawals . . . . is there hope for me??!!!

YUP! To the tune of 3 Applaud’s!

Hope Lin :pickin

With all of us addicted just like you…plenty of hope :thumbsup

YEAH… I’ve finally made it to Festarvarian status!

:lol :lol :lol :bash

Yes I am an Addict !!!

So is that a Challendge???
Dont make me pull this car over !!!
I am the First Post Ho and I could spank you in one night !!!
12 pack and a Bottle of 1800 … your Toast !