Can I get a WOOHOO?!

Country Blue

Size whatever

you might be able to find one at seers or target, their pretty easy to get ahold of

How about a dogfishhead10%palealeohshitwoohoo

Here’s a Friday night night back-to-basics Woo-Hoo!!!

I got my tickets yesterday for Fest and Ilium as did two buddies! More buddies contemplatin’! Come hell or massive bank implosion I be at Telluride for Fest in 2009!


C’mon, hit it with a WooHoo!

Yeeeeeehaaaaaa… Yipppyyyykiyaaaaa… WoooooooooooooHoooooooo … And don’t forget we have to do a little “howling at the moon” :dog

:whip :band


That was a genuinely heartfelt one, I’ve been practicing it vocally for the last ten minutes running round my living room: I’ve just managed to secure myself a TP Ticket!!!

:hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

I hope you’ll join us around my campsite! :flower

Of course Tom, I can’t wait to meet the legend :flower
Considering you were at the festival the year I was born, you must have a few incredible stories to tell…
Sooooo looking forward to it!!! :slight_smile:

How do we know which campsite is yours Tom? :welcome

Just ask around!
Everyone knows where my site is. :thumbsup

He isnt Kidding either !
Just Stop by Camp Wander’In cant miss us , we are on the Left as you are facing the Town Park Shower house
you will see our Camp Banner !

a few camp shots


Lucky girl, well done. Now, keep your fingers crossed for the rest of us! :wink: :thumbsup

Oh I definitely am Boogiefool, don’t you worry! :thumbsup It would be awesome if we all get into TP together! So remember to check the tickets exchange-swap page regularly and planet bluegrass every tuesday at 4 our time to grap one of the returns!
Here, I’m sending you guys some of my lucky vibes: :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes

:sunshine I can feel the sun on my shoulders :band and the music softly playing
:dance I want to dance … Oh I must be dreaming of Telluride Bluegrass Fest…


I must continue my therapy and repeat the mantra.

Jealousy will get me nowhere
Jealousy will get me nowhere
Jealousy will get me nowhere

Well done Lalagay (said in a genuine and sincere voice). :slight_smile:

The power of positive mental thought will prevail.

Now THAT is good news… You know you have a home in Run a Muck… It’s right next door to the Mayors place.


Pretty sure the Jailhouse Boys have her tent. Sorry Run A Muck, she’s taken. She’ll be around visiting, I’m sure of that! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Sorry Hippie
Jalhouse Boys/Camp Wander’In have Her !!!
your gonna have to find your own FestiVirgin !

Oh Btw we are gonna need some Foot Slaves …