Bluegrass Postponement?

Nevermind, got it :wink:

Thanks for the reminder :flower

Wonder why the first date in August wouldn’t work… was that the date Ferg said that Sam Bush and some other key artist couldn’t attend so it wouldn’t really be the same fest? I didn’t quite catch what he said. Because the council seemed willing to approve that date but unwilling to approve the later date.

that’s what it sounded like to me. Sounds like he couldn’t get some of the core TBF artists for the 3rd weekend of August. He could get most of them for the last weekend of Aug, but it would put a lot of strain on the town/film fest.

Anyone able to provide a cliff notes version of the first part of the meeting before the Q&A?

That makes sense - thanks for clarifying. Yeah and to follow up with your other question about whether or not June is cancelled - it sounded like they had to wait for state and federal guidelines for how many people can be gathered, etc. Which right now, those guidelines are prolonged until about six weeks before the fest, which they were saying would be cutting it pretty close.

I’m really appreciating this local businessman who is asking if some of the other festivals (like the film fest) can be changed to accommodate Bluegrass.

Sure - Bluegrass came forward with a proposal to move the fest to a proposed two dates in August. When the meeting started, it was stated that only the later date in August would work - I believe because of Sam Bush’s availability and some other key artists.

That presented a big problem because the date is right before the Film Festival, and the organizer of that fest said that he wouldn’t be able to pull off his festival with Bluegrass ending as they were setting up. He also said he was concerned because of the availability of lodging.

The council members all expressed an openness to a change in the date in general in order to alleviate economic hardship to the town but were concerned about what strain two big festivals (Bluegrass and Film) back to back would present on the town. The council was unwilling to vote in favor of the second date in August.

Ferg was a champ and said they just wanted to help the town and they would do whatever they needed to, even if that meant canceling altogether and just looking at 2021.

So basically, Bluegrass organizers are going to look into if another date in September or October would work, but Ferg called it a “concert” so that makes me concerned it wouldn’t be a festival with camping, etc. He said no matter what it’s not really going to be “Bluegrass.” (quote unquote). Which made me sad, ha ha.

I’m getting the feeling it will either be moved to Sept/October, and a different festival than usual, or canceled altogether for 2020 :frowning: :frowning:

Hope that helped!

Thank you so much!!! This is great info, albeit not necessarily “great” news. Appreciate your summary.

And whooo, yeah, there’s no way it could be a traditional TBG in October. Not exactly camping weather.

I guess my thoughts would be that if September/October would not really be “Bluegrass”, would it be the worst thing to still attempt the first August weekend even without Sam and some other main artists? I know that it would still really not be “Bluegrass” without them either… but it seems like we are taking some sacrifices with either option. As much as I love Sam and so many of the artists, the most important thing for me is being able to spend a week in TP with some of my dearest friends, which sounds like it wouldn’t be as much of an option with the later dates. I know that August is also a little up in the air with the virus, and I do not have any insight into what artists could make what weekends work, and there are a million moving pieces… but just my two cents. Thank you for everything Ferg, we all appreciate your hard work!

That’s exactly what I was thinking! I’m wondering which main artists they were talking about - and even if they could book other artists who might not have been available on another date?

I LOVE Sam and you’re right, it wouldn’t be the same without him. However - if it were a choice between Sam and not having it at all, or Sam and not being able to camp… I think I’d just take having the festival.

Ferg is awesome, he did such a good job during the meeting!

Agree, way more in favor of Aug 20-23.

Camping, activities and generally having an outdoor event of that magnitude in late September/early October is really a no-go for me at this point.

Blues and Brews has mid-September and that’s about the latest you’d want to have a bunch of tent camping in that part of the world.

Yes! I thought that was awesome too!! It shows how much the Bluegrass means to the town. I also loved how Ferg kept pressing for an answer on the original June date! I agree, he did great! :thumbsup With a Planet like this it is no wonder we have such a loving and caring Bluegrass community!! :medal :hug

I was at the Neil Young show a couple years ago in Town Park. That was September 30th and October 1st. It was chilly at night but not too bad. Not ideal for many outdoor festivation, and the short days stink. I think last year at Bluegrass was colder! We all go because of the music, but not seeing our little community would be heart breaking. That’s what I will really miss if it gets cancelled. :sorry

Same my friend. I don’t really give a shit about the music as much as the community.

In my opinion if it doesn’t happen over the Solstice it ain’t the same. Thats part of the magic.

I wish I was as excited about the prospect of a late Aug or Sept Bluegrass but I kinda agree with ToddG…the solstice is what makes it magical. I guess I just can’t really picture how they’d pull it all off.

So colossally bummed. This will be my 11th fest and this year my partner and I were planning to bring our kids, ages 9 and 11, for their first time. We wrangled the dates with the other parents a year ago :frowning: I get it that this is all very minor in the scheme of cosmic disappointment at the moment but hard to accept all the same.

Hey Gang! Boy that was an interesting meeting. Everyone in such a tough spot. It is said in the ancient texts that one day an invisible foe would be encountered on the journey to Festivaria, and in that time, the Festivarian should wait in fallow.

And, in looking off into the distance in wonder, he waited.

Knowing solstice was still coming, and that he’d wait to finish the journey.



BY THE WAY: Here is event that locked down after having to move. This was being rushed together and was able to get put together quick. Lots of our friends. Also, other routing gigs were being held to.

So, like someone said, if it wasn’t solstice… it aint bluegrass.

We can skip a year. I aint.

But, I will lie fallow.

AND, there is one trying to reschedule for following weekend that just postponed:

Let them have their fun, how shall we wait?


We’re in for the really hard part here in Colorado. Be safe! Love abounds!



… was there any talk as to how receptive TBF lodging providers (condos, for example) will be to the change of dates and/or honoring monies already paid?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Full article here. Sounds like no decision is the decision.

Hang in there, Ferg. Ya’ll have an incredibly hard decision to make, and you’re doing a great job. We’ll support whatever you decide is best.

Agree, y’all have a super tough decision to make, we support whatever you decide! Thanks!