Thanks - I’ll add this to the main list.

:wave It looks to me like we’re in pretty good shape! Thanks for the great list, Lucas.
The time to Festivaaaal! is near, so let’s get this list filled up.
Someone, please latsch on to that small red “still needed” list. Thanks! :cheers

We got your red list covered except for garnishes
Tomato juice, Worcestershire, tobasco, garlic

Thanks Sully! To clarify, you mentioned garlic. Did you mean horseradish?

It looks like we’re good to go now, save for a few garnishes - you can never have too many garnishes!

Here is the updated list:,31915.msg141052.html#msg141052

Duh!!! I did mean horseradish & not creamy

:thumbsup :cheers Excellent, thx Sully! CU there next month.

Who should we bring the Bloody materials to, and when?

You can bring them to me anytime before… I should be camped across from the bathroom but I’ll let everyone know after we find our places… Look for a pink elephant flag…

Anyone bringing a wagon I could use?

I can provide a wagon.

Okay since Lucas can lend me a wagon… I’ll have the wagon set up near my campsite and you can drop your donations in there,

Debbie - you just need the one 10ft. x 10ft. pop-up, correct?

We might be able to poach another one from within our camp, plus we are providing one for the Tuesday beer share as well.

Camp HulaGanz!

Just one should be fine…

Got it. :wave



I camp close to you Debbie. I have a wagon if you need one.