Gooood Mooorrrnining Town Park!!! :wave
Well most of us are at that frantic last minute scrabbling … listening to a continuous loop of ‘Packing for Telluride’. To add to your shopping and packing stress, I’ve compiled the list I have for Bloody Mary Monday and what I have us all committed to bring. If you come up short or decide to add, no worries just let me know before Monday so Maple Al and I can acquire any missing ingredients. I’ll be around Kamp Duk Tape most of Sunday, if you want to unload your contributions early.
And remember to bring your own cup on Monday! :cheers or there will be no :cheers
Let me know if I forgot anyone :flower
Sugar - 2 vodkas, special sauce
Kenny & DeAnne - 5 tomato juice, fresh horse
Debbie - 1 vodka, 1 tomato juice, 2 tabasco, 2 horses, dilly beans, the Spoon
Hooch - 2 tomato juice, 2 vodka, rando garnishes, face melting sauce
Al - fresh limes, lemons, rando garnishes & hot sauces
Double T - 4 tomato juices, 2 worcestershire, spicy pickles, banana peppers
Ron - jalepeno/garlic stuffed olives, Jamaican pepper sauce
Doug - 3 tomato juice, 2 lime juice
alrightgy - 2 worcestershire, 2 tabasco, 1 horse
Hippie - horse from Tule Lake or fresh
Auntie - celery, 2 olives
Fishbone vet - 1 vodka
Nate - 4 tomato juice
Buckeye - 2 tomato, 1 horse
Skubes - 3 tomato juice
KaraJean - 5 tomato juice, 1 vodka
Paul - Bunch of olives including those jalepeno/garlic stuffed, fresh limes & lemons, 1 worcestershire, 2 lime juice, Old Bay, black pepper, tomato juice
See ya’ll in a couple days!! Is that rain I see for Landrush? :eek I love rain when setting up!