Bloody Mary Monday!

the peppers and horseradish tend to clog a spigot

Roger on plugging up the spigot. I’ll bring it anyway and it can be poured out the top into pitchers.
At least that way he’s got a 5 gallon container to mix it in. :thumbsup


We wanna join in! Put us down for 2 large Worcestershire sauce, 2 large Tobasco, 1 large Horsey sauce.
:wave :wave

I’m hoping we can figure out what’s needed now that we’ve had some voluteers. I’ll bring something that’s not yet spoken for, if someone wants to figure out what’s missing.

The main item we need is tomato juice, I’m 20 large cans short. I’ll put a complete list together after the holiday. I know we are a little short on everything else. It’s the tomato juice that we really need now John. :flower

I’ve got four instead of the promised three, so you’re only short 19. :thumbsup

I’ve also got some spicy dill slices and banana peppers. :flower

I’m sad I’m not arriving until Monday evening but great work keeping the Bloody Mary Monday going!!!

Update on counts.
This is what we still NEED! I’ll post the final list with what I have everyone down for by the end of next weekend.

16 large cans of Tomato juice
1 large vodka
3 large Tabasco
2 large worcestershire
4 large bottles lime juice
5 large jars of horseradish, but not the creamed stuff

We’ve got fresh limes and lemons, pickles. peppers, olives, dilly beans and other random garnishes, plus some special sauces to add just the right amount of nuclear fusion. :burn

The garnishes really add to the drink, so if it’s on your heart to bring more and other garnishes, please do as they go quick.
We also don’t have anyone committing to celery, but we can always get that at the market there.

Woot Woot … it’s almost time! :hop

I would likje to continue the tradition of being the dipper-in-the-bucket-and-put-it-in-the-cup server, if that position is still open. I’ll see if the Winnie-the-Pooh P.J.'s still fit if they are required four the position. :slight_smile:
Count me in for celery also, and two jars of green olives.

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Actually small jars of horseradish… medium bottles of lime juice

:cheers This makes me happy, as I truly enjoyed my years as one of DfT’s assistants @ Bloody Mary Monday.
SKOL Paul! :thumbsup :medal :sunshine And again, thanks to Debbie for her skilled, Ticket Goddess performance… :cheers

I’ll contribute a vodka if still needed…

Im adding 2 hhoreradishes and a can of tomato juice

I’ll put a bottle of that good Tule Lake horseradish or fresh root in the shopping list this week.


Good Morning! :wave Thanks to everyone who posted yesterday. :medal

Hippie - Tule Lake? I can’t wait to try!
DfT - I put you down for a can of tomato and 2 jars of horse
Fishbone vet - yes we could use another vodka. I’ll put you down for one.
Swander - Thanks for the kind words you Viking!
Auntie - At this point we have servers, but if you show up dressed like Winnie the Pooh, were gonna have to put you to work! I’ll put you down for celery and a couple jars of olives.

The main item we are in need of is tomato juice. Still need 15 cans, so any of you locals - i.e. no flying required - could you throw a couple cans in your kit?
Cheers :cheers

Looks like we are finally past the endless late winter weather in the intermountain west!

I will bring 4 large cans of tomato juice. I don’t drink Bloody’s but wouldn’t want to miss out on the revelry. FESTIVAAAAAAAL

-Nate Grant

Thanks Lorax!

Way to go Nate(the Great), picking up the slack of our camp yet again :cheers
And yes, tomato juice is available in the grocery in T’ride so you don’t even have to pack it, just sayin’ :lovedr

Put us down for 3 large cans tomato juice