Yes, that’s the best. It really is too early to say, crikey, it’s only December. I truly hope it improves dramatically. Stay safe everyone, hunker down, keep the faith. Thank god for music
Is it weird for anyone else that we’re not talking lottery, and tickets? In normal times we’d probably just started getting lottery results and making plans for tickets. I know PB has their hands full with more logistics and a variety of things to even be able to have TBF 2021 if the conditions are right and safe. If rates continue the way they are going in the US there may be no one new to infect come next summer. I’ve been to a few outdoor events since May, where no one got or spread COVID. I think outdoor activities can be safely managed especially once vaccines are more available. Reports I hear are all saying by next summer there should be vaccines available for all who want it, plus millions already vaccinated starting hopefully this next month. I also hear the vaccine is no walk in the park, and has many side-effects itself. I’m joining camp positive outlook, and keeping my hopes alive. Two years of no festival is something I don’t want to even think about.
It’s nice to see the forum come alive. Hope you all are doing your best!
Totally weird…I think of the period between the first week of November and the solstice as Town Park lottery time…the annual stressing, negotiating, trading etc to make sure things are in place for June. And then the line-up rollout on the solstice always lifts my spirits in an otherwise dark, not especially favorite time of year.
I don’t want to seem like I’m not optimistic. I am strongly holding out hope and my earlier post probably didn’t sound very convincing in that regard. I completely agree in terms of outdoor activities. The science is largely supportive there. I will take any TBF option possible…the idea of two years gone is beyond my comprehension too and I don’t really want to go there yet.
Happy to hear more encouraging words from all of you out there!
Much support to Festivarians suffering from isolation and Covi-despair. We have to be hopeful though as very promising vaccine test results are coming in all the time.
My fellow lab rats (I’m a pharm chemist) are working hard to fix this mess.
Take heart, take hope, take inspiration from our ancestors who faced worse calamities.
Heck, take another plate of Thanksgiving leftovers. And TOE the line the Public health people lay out
I’m hoping to be able to shout from the stage at my 40th festival and yell a howdy to all my festivarian friends.
Whether that happens in 2021 when I’m 75 years old or later, it doesn’t matter.
With my latest diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma and CMML (Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia) I just hope I’ll be able to attend another 5 or more.
I’m going to try to stay confident that it will happen. :flower
Tom, I hope your doing alright. Thats a tough diagnosis. Are you seeking treatment or riding it out? Many positive thoughts from our house to you. And, we sure hope to see you sooner than later, but we’ll take any time be it next year or beyond. Take care, and lots of love!
First round of chemo this morning with no real side effects so far. I have to go in every day this week for more treatments so we’ll see how I feel at the end of the week.
Thanks for the positive thoughts. I’m going to stay positive as well. :thumbsup
Happy spirit of the season to whichever spirit brings happiness and hope to you and yours. This is the weirdest year ever. Lets hope we can maintain being weird and next year can be normal! Or however normal will ever be. Peace.
Thank you. :flower
I’ve had no negative effects from my first week of chemo treatments thankfully.
The chemo I’m getting does not affect hair loss and I’m not getting any radiation so I’ll be keeping my beard. :thumbsup
I’ll be doing a week of chemo every 4 weeks for the near future until things improve.
I thank everyone of you for the support you’ve shown. :lovedr